
Bridezilla’s got nothing on this bridesmaid

WE’VE come to expect a bit of bad behaviour from brides, but what happens when it’s the bridesmaid who’s a complete trainwreck? Well, that’s a whole different story, writes Katy Hall.

Pippa steals the show

THERE are many situations in which some of us thrive, while others barely survive.

Crises, births, deaths and divorces, for example, I can do. Weddings, or more specifically, bridesmaiding, not so much.

I’ve been a bridesmaid twice before — once at my dad’s marriage to his second wife when I was 12, and another time when a friend from university asked. We weren’t that close when she asked me, but spurred on by the promise of a free dress and a weekend trip to rural Australia I said yes.

The first red flag of how utterly crap I would be at this task came when I decided that to avoid using any annual leave I would into fly into the regional town hosting her big day on the morning of the wedding. Timing would be tight, but surely my friend would understand, I reasoned. Just as she would appreciate that somehow my after work drinks had morphed into me getting home at 3am and staying up chain-smoking, drinking some more, and throwing some clothes into a suitcase before boarding a plane for her wedding two hours later, right?


My bridesmaid duty cues were more Kristen Wiig, and less Pippa Middleton. (Pic: supplied)
My bridesmaid duty cues were more Kristen Wiig, and less Pippa Middleton. (Pic: supplied)

When I did somehow find myself standing in front of the bride-to-be and two other bridesmaids — looking decidedly more human than I and less than impressed at my dishevelled state — I promised that I would be fine come ceremony time and that this was nothing a power nap couldn’t fix.

So in the interest of multi-tasking, I slept during hair and makeup.

Unfortunately for me, I woke up in the chair looking like a Jon Benet Ramsay tribute act. But given my lousy behaviour, I figured I had no right but to smile and go with it.

I want to say that the rest of the day and the wedding itself was great, but in truth, there’s little of it that I can remember.

I know I spent much of the photocall vomiting covertly behind bushes and thinking about what my mother would say if she could see me, and my stick-on bra fillets sweating off and onto the floor at one point. I danced with someone’s parent and a groomsman and possibly even cried during a speech.

This could have been me at my friend’s wedding reception, I really can’t remember. (Pic: supplied)
This could have been me at my friend’s wedding reception, I really can’t remember. (Pic: supplied)

But the one clear memory I do have is of waking up the next morning — two hangovers in tow — to discover that in my inebriated state a day earlier I’d thrown up all over the outfit I’d worn on the plane and had somehow failed to pack anything but T-shirts.

So, in the spirit of love and getting back home to Melbourne in one piece, I did what any desperate bridesmaid would do and put my one-shouldered purple diamante dress from the night before back on, threw one of my T-shirts over the top and headed to the main street of town in search of a store.

“Jeez, I didn’t know there was a B&S on last night,” the Lowes salesman said to me as I paid for the cheapest tracksuit pants I could find. Too tired and broken to explain, I just went with it. And later at the airport wearing my new pants, loafers and a Strokes T-shirt, I got some truly great looks, not least from the bride and groom who have rightly not spoken to me since.

Now that my own wedding is three months away I worry about what such bad behaviour I’ve invited upon myself. After all, they say that what goes around comes around, but in the case of being a bridesmaid I’m really praying that old adage won’t prove true. If it does, I’m in for some serious trouble.

Katy Hall is a writer and producer at RendezView.

Follow her on Twitter at @katyhallway and email

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