
Thousands defy police pleas for climate protest

Climate protesters donned ponchos and coats as they marched through Melbourne’s CBD despite stern warnings from police and the Premier it would “divert resources”.

Thousands rally for climate action

Melbourne’s CBD streets were blocked off as thousands of climate-change protesters ignored pleas to postpone their action.

Premier Daniel Andrews said those taking part would lose support for their cause because of the timing of the rally, and that it was “not the appropriate thing to do’’ when the state was in a bushfires crisis.

“The last thing anyone should be doing is diverting ­resources from critical needs,’’ Mr Andrews said. Police had also requested the protest be held at another time.

But event organiser Anneke Demanuele said: “There is no right time to protest.

“We’re going to be facing a bushfire crisis for months to come, so politicians need to be held accountable for their ­actions now.

Protesters ignored Premier’s plea to cancel the rally. Picture : Ian Currie
Protesters ignored Premier’s plea to cancel the rally. Picture : Ian Currie
Protesters walk through the CBD. Picture : Ian Currie
Protesters walk through the CBD. Picture : Ian Currie

“I think they’re trying to divide and intimidate people. There’s never going to be a right time to protest in the eyes of the government.”

Her group Uni Students for Climate Justice organised the protest, which saw police block off Swanston and Bourke streets. Similar protests were held in Sydney, Port Macquarie, Adelaide and Geelong.

Young and old attended. Picture : Ian Currie
Young and old attended. Picture : Ian Currie
Rain didn’t deter protesters. Picture : Ian Currie
Rain didn’t deter protesters. Picture : Ian Currie

Mr Andrews sent a stern message ahead of the protest, but people ignored his requests to let police resources focus on the bushfires.

Mr Andrews said earlier yesterday: “My message to them is I’ve done a bit to take action on climate change, I know the ­science stacks up (and) I don’t disagree on a range of different points they make.

Thousands gathered at The State Library. Picture : Ian Currie
Thousands gathered at The State Library. Picture : Ian Currie
Protesters wrote slogans on their umbrellas. Picture : Ian Currie
Protesters wrote slogans on their umbrellas. Picture : Ian Currie
Rain didn’t worry them as they marched on. Picture : Ian Currie
Rain didn’t worry them as they marched on. Picture : Ian Currie

“But I tell you what, you lose me and you lose a lot of other fair-minded Victorians who ­believe in climate change when you have a protest when you’ve been told point-blank you’re ­diverting police resources.”

Protesters held signs and chanted as they walked from the State Library.

Greens MP Adam Bandt spoke to the crowd.

“We have a fury to match these fires,” Mr Bandt said.





“We are coming hard and we are coming strong until Scott Morrison is out of the job.”

A strong police presence ­ensured that the rally went off without incident. Those attending had to don ponchos and coats and use umbrellas to protect them from the steady rain.

The largely young crowd marched down Swanston St ­before the protest wrapped up about 8pm.

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