
Shelford Girls’ Grammar says its exploring a ‘range of ideas’ amid merger talks with Caulfield Grammar

The board of Shelford Girls’ Grammar has moved to calm alarmed teachers, students and parents amid merger talks with Caulfield Grammar and the exit of its principal.

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It will be “business as usual” at Shelford Girls’ Grammar in 2024 with any changes involving Caulfield Grammar not taking effect until 2025, staff and parents have been told.

Confirmation of active discussions involving the embattled Caulfield girls’ school, which has just over 400 students in 13 year levels, upset teachers, students and parents on Wednesday.

The school leadership team and Independent Education Union have been inundated with questions about what is going to happen to the school’s staff and students.

On Friday, the school board, led by former vice principal Pam Russell, moved to reassure the school community that nothing will change in the school’s structure next year.

Teachers, students and parents are alarmed by merger talks at Shelford Girls' Grammar.
Teachers, students and parents are alarmed by merger talks at Shelford Girls' Grammar.

“We hope this assurance provides comfort to our staff, students and other valued members of the Shelford community,” a letter issued by the board said.

“Having spoken to many of you in the last 48 hours, we have been buoyed for your passion for Shelford and mindful of your desire for more information.

“As communicated yesterday, the board is canvassing a range of ideas and initiatives to strengthen the school to benefit our girls, our staff and our community in 2025 and beyond.

“Rest assured, any decisions about the future direction of Shelford will be the subject of careful consideration, and with the education and wellbeing of our students — and particularly for those girls in critical learning years — our paramount consideration.”

Caulfield Grammar School principal Ashleigh Martin on Wednesday confirmed the two schools were “engaging in future focused discussions” following inquiries from the Herald Sun.

Caulfield Grammar’s Malvern campus. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui
Caulfield Grammar’s Malvern campus. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui

“Earlier this year the School Council approached the board of Shelford Girls Grammar School (SGGS) to discuss a closer relationship between the two schools,” Mr Martin said.

“Caulfield Grammar School and SGGS share a long history and it is not unusual for our schools to be engaging in future focused discussions.”

Attention is also focusing on the move of Shelford principal Katrina Brennan to Scotch College in 2024.

She will take up a permanent role as vice principal and head of senior school at the elite all-boys’ school.

Her duties include maintaining a positive student culture, overseeing risk and compliance and establishing programs that enhance character growth and wellbeing.

One staff member told the Herald Sun: “It feels like there is a sinking ship and those in the know are jumping ship,” they said.

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