
Georgie Purcell and Josh Burns to make first public appearance at midwinter ball

Georgie Purcell and Josh Burns, who have drawn controversy over their apparent opposing stance on the Middle East conflict, hope their first public appearance will end weeks of speculation.

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Political duo Georgie Purcell and Josh Burns are set to step out for their first public appearance at next week’s midwinter ball, in the hopes of putting an end to what they call weeks of “harmful gossip and speculation”.

The pair, who have known each other for years on the circuit and hail from different political stripes, have recently drawn controversy over their apparent opposing stance on the Middle East conflict.

Burns, 37, is a prominent Jewish Labor MP in federal parliament while Purcell, 31, is an Animal Justice Party MP in state parliament is a fiercely pro-Palestine advocate, who regularly posts about the cause to her 200,000 Instagram followers.

In an exclusive sit down interview with the Sunday Herald Sun the pair has opened up about their hopes to separate their personal and public lives.

Political duo Georgie Purcell and Josh Burns are set to step out for their first public appearance at next week’s midwinter ball. Picture: Supplied
Political duo Georgie Purcell and Josh Burns are set to step out for their first public appearance at next week’s midwinter ball. Picture: Supplied

Purcell, who is one of the most followed politicians in Australia, has grown an online cult following, while Burns, who hasn’t been afraid to break ranks from the Labor Party on climate and mental health policy, is widely touted as an up-and-comer within the party.

Purcell regularly speaks about aspects of her personal life including her previous work as a stripper, but said she will always draw the line when it comes to her family and relationships, including when her own marriage ended.

“I give more of myself to public life than most politicians, whether it be my past in sex work, my abortion experience or suffering from mental ill health – and it does take a toll. For me, it’s about standing up for people with the same experiences, and bringing lived experience into political discourse,” she said.

“Victorians have a right to judge my policies and my voting record, but all I ask is for some privacy in the parts of my personal life I choose not to share.

“I have been a consistent voice for Palestine, and the right of Palestinians to be free — not only free from violence but free to self-determinate, to live rightfully and safely on their land. I have no intentions of backing away from that.”

Animal Justice Party MP Georgie Purcell has asked for privacy in her personal life. Picture Mark Stewart
Animal Justice Party MP Georgie Purcell has asked for privacy in her personal life. Picture Mark Stewart

Burns, meanwhile, has been a strong voice on vile anti-Semitism on the streets of Melbourne and earlier this month had his office firebombed by pro-Palestine protesters who painted horns on a picture of him on his window.

Despite their clear political differences, the two MPs said they manage to find common ground and hope it can simmer tensions in the community.

“We agree on so much and we talk about the rest. I respect her and she respects me. We agree on what is important – we want peace and an end to the violence,” Burns said.

“We believe in a shared humanity that means it’s important to have empathy for the Palestinians facing daily violence in Gaza, and the families of the victims of the October 7 attacks in Israel.”

Purcell added: “Safety and freedom for all people is something the vast majority of Australians want too, and we hope maybe we can bridge a gap in hostility, towards meaningful progress.”

Away from politics, the pair said they find themselves in agreement on one key issue – animal protection.

Purcell is a long-time vegan while Burns is a vegetarian, who publicly condemned the live export industry soon after he was elected in 2019.

“My parliament diet consists of microwave meals, so it’s nice having Josh in the kitchen from time to time,” Purcell laughed.

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