
Drink-driver jailed over mother-daughter deaths near Cranbourne East school

AN UNLICENSED killer driver who caused the deaths of a mother and daughter returning home from parent-teacher interviews at a Cranbourne East school has been jailed.

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AN UNLICENSED killer driver who caused the deaths of a mother and daughter returning home from parent-teacher interviews has been jailed for 13 years.

Thomas Charles Adamson, 27, had been banned from driving just three months before he got behind the wheel drunk and caused the horror crash that killed Mei-Li Dai, 44, and her daughter Xinyu Yuan, 14.

It was the third time authorities had forced him off the road for a string of offending including drink driving.




Adamson has been jailed for 13 years over the which killed a mother and daughter. Picture: Nicole Garmston
Adamson has been jailed for 13 years over the which killed a mother and daughter. Picture: Nicole Garmston

He was speeding at up to 165km/h when he ploughed into Ms Dai’s Toyota as she left the main entrance of the Lighthouse Christian College at Cranbourne East on August 9 last year.

The impact of the crash pushed Ms Dai’s car 49 metres off the road, killing her instantly.

Xinyu, an excellent student who had received glowing praise from school staff at the parent-teacher night, died shortly later.

Adamson, who has a history of drink driving and drug abuse, had been drinking with a friend before the crash and later recorded a blood alcohol concentration estimated between 0.120 and 0.165.

Grieving dad Zheng Quan Yuan was one of several family members present in the County Court today for Adamson’s sentencing.

“I feel helpless. I am so sad and crying. My wife and I came to Melbourne to work hard together and encourage each other. Now everything has been destroyed,” he said in a victim impact statement tendered to the court.

“My eyes are crying, my tears are running out.”

A memorial for Xinyu Yuan andMa Li Dai at the Lighthouse Christian College. Picture Jay Town
A memorial for Xinyu Yuan andMa Li Dai at the Lighthouse Christian College. Picture Jay Town

Judge Trevor Wraight said Adamson had a long history with drug and alcohol abuse.

At the height of his drug use he was smoking up to 2mg of ice daily.

Now, he is suffering a range of psychological issues including post-traumatic stress disorder.

Judge Wraight said Adamson’s early plea of guilty and his genuine remorse were significant sentencing considerations.

He also found Adamson’s time in prison would be more burdensome because of some of the injuries suffered in the crash.

Following the fatal crash, the speed limit along the highway outside the school, where the crash occurred, was lowered to 80km/h.

The decision by VicRoads followed a local campaign carried out over almost a decade.

Adamson must serve at least nine years behind bars before being eligible for parole.

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