Special featureSO why does a Death Star need an exhaust port anyway? It’s a question that has vexed generations of Star Wars fans. And it’s reared its ugly head again.
Special featureTHE delicious.100 reveals Victoria’s first ever ranked guide to the best restaurants in the state. Think you know which restaurant took out top spot?
Special featureVOTE: OUR team of Sunday Herald Sun food reviewers put their tastebuds to the test to bring you Victoria’s top 100 restaurants. READ EVERY REVIEW IN OUR INTERACTIVE HERE.
Special featureSCIENCE hasn’t figured out how this ‘impossible’ engine produces something out of nothing. Have the laws of the universe been turned on their heads?
Special featureA SUNDAY Herald Sun special investigation has revealed drug drivers are outstripping drunks as road menaces, but a gap in the law means repeat offenders aren’t facing the same penalties as drunk-drivers.
Special featureIT’S the next space race that’s got Hollywood and the entire world talking. NASA says it can get mankind to Mars — and back. Is the Red Planet finally within reach?
Special featureKYLIE or Farnham? Midnight Oil or 5 Seconds of Summer? Check out every Song of the Year from the ARIAs since 1987 and vote for the best ever.
Special featureTHERE are plenty of challenges in a mission to Mars — keeping the astronauts from wanting to kill each other is just one of them.
Special featureMARS has been “bounced and rolled over, shoveled and drilled into, smelled, baked, tasted, and laser zapped” — all that’s missing is the first human footprints in the dust. Is this what a Mars landing will be like?
Special featureRON Howard admits he once had romantic notions about the colonisation of Mars, now he believes it’s vital to our future.