Even affluent Victorians deserve respect from sneering Dan
Bec Judd may live in a $7m Brighton mansion but she has a right to feel safe, instead of being patronised and belittled for raising fears about crime.
Bec Judd may live in a $7m Brighton mansion but she has a right to feel safe, instead of being patronised and belittled for raising fears about crime.
In seat after seat, Liberal voters may have turned away from male representatives but to say teal candidates won just because of their gender is simply wrong.
The ultraconservatism of the Morrison government – which Frydenberg is a key part of – has thrown moderates like him under the campaign bus.
The idea that such a useful word as “mate” could possibly be offensive to anyone is, well, offensive.
Teachers should be able to take a progressive stance on issues like Australia Day and they are right to raise it in class.
There seems to be no limit on what Daniel Andrews is willing to spend to fix his government’s credibility problem.
School’s back and we can finally enjoy an empty house — but the expectations for parents have never been higher.
It’s absurd this council wants parents living in the hottest parts of Victoria to go back to using cloth nappies for the sake of a rebate.
The ABC’s job is to report the news, not create it. Picking sides in the divisive Invasion Day debate was offensive, inflammatory and wrong.
Once the game of gentlemen and women, tennis is now home to a vicious and vacuous pack of brats and prats.
Australia Day honours should not go to someone like Margaret Court who spreads hatred and dangerous views about minority groups.
Victorians don’t need planeloads of foreigners with coronavirus entering our state and bemoaning rules that are there to keep the rest of us safe.
Stop being a sloth and get back into the office — your city and company needs you to start being productive again, writes Susie O’Brien.
It’s been a year like no other, but we’ve still managed to find humour and camaraderie amid the heartache and chaos.
Original URL: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/susie-obrien/page/23