Why Labor fears ‘Ratimas’ in the ranks
Labor is finding out that, for many Muslim voters, just being better than the Liberal Party on Palestine isn’t good enough, writes James Campbell.
Labor is finding out that, for many Muslim voters, just being better than the Liberal Party on Palestine isn’t good enough, writes James Campbell.
You would assume progressive politicians would not be seen anywhere near a bloke who skipped bail to avoid extradition over alleged sex crimes – but, for Julian Assange, different rules apply, writes James Campbell.
Every time the Australian government criticises Israel, far from helping to bring peace, it is sending a message that Hamas’s violence is bringing it closer to victory, writes James Campbell.
To get back in a majority in his own right, Anthony Albanese has to make the next election a referendum on Peter Dutton – and the Opposition Leader is making the job easy for him, writes James Campbell.
As Premier Daniel Andrews constantly likes to remind us, the hotel quarantine probe is a judicial inquiry. So why did he deny the federal government offered the help of the ADF when he must have known this could be disproven, writes James Campbell.
The rumours doing the rounds may be rubbish but they do speak to the fear and anger Victorians are feeling as we stare down the barrel of an even longer lockdown. But will voters take out their frustration at the ballot box, asks James Campbell.
Both Brett Sutton and Shane Patton revealed Melbourne’s strict curfew was not their idea, and yet Daniel Andrews stays silent on whose call it actually was. Victorians deserve to know the truth on why they’re being locked inside, writes James Campbell.
For years Victorians have had the upper hand in the rivalry with our northern neighbours, but now New South Wales has finally put us to shame. And all it took was a contact tracing program that’s evolved past a pen and paper, writes James Campbell.
If you were watching Daniel Andrews’ press conference on Sunday and found yourself asking “why is he still there?” don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s a question his colleagues are asking with increasing frequency too, writes James Campbell.
There was little good news as Victoria’s path from lockdown was revealed on Sunday. And from where we are sitting now, the broad sunlit uplands of the third step on Daniel Andrews’ “road map” feel like a galaxy far, far away, writes James Campbell.
The Lawyer X scandal has exposed some shocking revelations, but the most surprising thing is that the worst may still be yet to be revealed, writes James Campbell.
No one was expecting things to snap back to normal in Victoria this month but the draft roadmap out of lockdown has exposed a frightening gap between Victorians and their government, writes James Campbell.
The leaked road map out of lockdown paints a depressing picture for businesses, leaving Victorians wondering if there will even be an economy left by the time Daniel Andrews decides we can open up, writes James Campbell.
While the failings of the Andrews government ought to be bringing the Liberal Party together, some seem determined to settle scores through the media in a way that can only help the ALP. It seems the Libs will never be strong enough to dent the power structures in this state, writes James Campbell.
Original URL: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/james-campbell/page/18