
Jessica Wilkins and Emily Mayer charged with major drug trafficking after Werribee arrest

A lovebird and her girlfriend allegedly ran a major drug racket at a nightmare Pelican Place Werribee house cops have attended 113 times.

Melbourne lovebird Jessica Wilkins was charged with trafficking a commercial quantity of drugs. Facebook.
Melbourne lovebird Jessica Wilkins was charged with trafficking a commercial quantity of drugs. Facebook.

A Melbourne couple allegedly jumped out of bed and threw drugs out the window, before pretending to be asleep when they heard police begin to raid their home.

Jessica Wilkins, 30, fronted Melbourne Magistrates’ Court charged with trafficking a commercial quantity of drugs out of her love next bedroom in a home well known to police.

Ms Wilkins and co-accused Emily Mayer were allegedly busted at their Werribee home with a swag of drugs on April 24.

The court heard investigators raided the Pelican Place home and discovered Wilkins, who fronted court for a bail application, and Mayer in bed together.

Westgate Divisional Response Unit Senior Constable Briana Everett told the court police analysed CCTV footage of the couple’s bedroom.

The footage, which was played to the court, allegedly depicted Ms Mayer and Ms Wilkins “quickly jump out of bed in a panicked response” after police raided the home.

Senior Constable Everett said the footage depicted Ms Wilkins and Ms Mayer quickly stash meth and MDMA into a pillow case, throw cannabis out of a window then pretend to go back to sleep.

Police searched the house and allegedly seized meth, 1,4 butanediol, MDMA, cash, a tick book, an iPhone and multiple CCTV cameras and hard drives.

Investigators alleged the meth was divided up in various deal bags and the bute was split into multiple bottles.

Police also linked an unlocked iPhone found in the bedroom to Ms Mayer and Ms Wilkins.

Senior Constable Everett said police analysed the phone and photographed multiple messages which allegedly pertained to drug dealing.

Jessica Wilkins allegedly sold drugs out of her bedroom.
Jessica Wilkins allegedly sold drugs out of her bedroom.

“Prolific amounts of text messages which implicate Mayer in current and active drug trafficking (were found on the phone),” Senior Constable Everett said.

The court heard Ms Mayer denied the phone was hers and the couple gave police false pin codes until the device was locked out.

Senior Constable Everett also told the court police analysed the CCTV footage going back two days and allegedly discovered evidence the couple was running a drug racket out of their bedroom.

“(Wilkins and Mayer are) using, handling, dividing, weighing, bagging and selling drugs of dependence, primarily methamphetamine, to numerous customers,” Senior Constable Everett said.

“The customers are observed coming in and out of the bedroom trading primarily in tools, likely to be stolen, which are seemed to be exchanged for drugs provided by Wilkins and Mayer …

“The level of drug trafficking observed in this footage is blatant and explicit.”

The court heard police intend to review further CCTV footage which dated back to 2023.

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Senior Constable Everett opposed Ms Wilkins’ bail bid, citing a lack of co-operation in the police investigation, her unemployment and her GHB and meth addictions.

Police feared Ms Wilkins would “continue to traffic drugs on a commercial basis” if released.

Senior Constable Everett also expressed concerns over Ms Wilkins’ proposed bail address because it was in “close proximity” to Pelican Place.

“(The property at) Pelican Place is a known drug house (which has been) subject to over 113 police involvements …,” Senior Constable Everett said.

The defence submitted Ms Wilkins should be given a chance on bail but also conceded the prosecution case was “strong”.

Ms Wilkins, who appeared via videolink from remand at the Dame Phyllis Frost jail, was granted bail with conditions she not go within 500m of the Pelican Place house.

Ms Wilkins was also ordered to not contact associates who still live at the Pelican Place house nor make contact with Ms Mayer.

Ms Wilkins and Ms Mayer will front court at a later date.

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