
Melbourne GP banned from practising medicine after repeatedly raping his daughter

A doctor who repeatedly raped his daughter and forced her to get an abortion will not be allowed provide any form of health service until he is at least 90 years old.

A GP will not be able to practice medicine until he is at least 90 years old after repeatedly raping his daughter.
A GP will not be able to practice medicine until he is at least 90 years old after repeatedly raping his daughter.

A doctor who repeatedly raped his daughter and forced her to get an abortion will not be allowed to provide any form of health service until he is at least 90 years old.

Almost three years after he pleaded guilty in the County Court, the doctor — who cannot be named to protect his now adult daughter — has been found guilty of unprofessional conduct at VCAT

The man, referred to as XOT in the findings, surrendered his medical registration just two days after he was charged by police in 2019.

In describing the man’s crimes at his criminal sentencing in 2020, Judge Michael Tinney told the court they were so heinous and “shameful” the man could not expect leniency for his age or his multitude of health issues.

He described how the man, a longstanding GP, regularly touched and raped his daughter between the ages of eight and 18 from the mid-1970s to 1980s.

The man would force his daughter to take the morning-after pill on the occasions he didn’t use a condom, the court heard.

“At one point, when she was in Year 11, your daughter fell pregnant to you,” Mr Tinney said at the time.

“You chastised her for falling pregnant. You organised and paid for her to have an abortion, booking the appointment under a false name and then driving her to the clinic.

“Your conduct was shameful and evil. It was totally destructive and perverse, you should be totally ashamed of yourself, more ashamed than you are.”

The tribunal found being entrusted with the welfare of vulnerable people, including children, was a “bedrock requirement” for medical practitioners.

It found the conduct warranted “a substantial period of disqualification from applying for registration” as it brought the medical profession into disrepute.

The Medical Board of Australia submitted while national law meant medical professionals could only be disqualified for a set amount of time, there were some cases where the deregistration should be “career-ending”.

“In our view, this case falls into that category,” the tribunal found.

XOT will not be able to reapply for medical registration until he is at least 90 , when his criminal sentence expires.

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