
Illegal Cheltenham brothel’s move may leave regulars in hot water

An illegal brothel in Melbourne’s south continues to trade as a massage parlour with a front door sign advertising its status. But, thanks to one simple act, people arriving for a “good time” may unknowingly find themselves in strife.

Sunny Massage in Cheltenham is leaving its front door open, heavily concealing a notice proscribing it as an illegal brothel.
Sunny Massage in Cheltenham is leaving its front door open, heavily concealing a notice proscribing it as an illegal brothel.

An illegal Cheltenham brothel masquerading as a massage parlour is still open for business despite demands by a resident action group for it to be closed down immediately.

Sunny Massage was slapped with a proscribed brothel notice at Moorabbin Magistrates’ Court on April 1.

Management of the Bay Rd bordello were ordered to display the proscribed brothel notice on the front door.




The order means anyone who enters the business — unless for a lawful purpose — could cop a prison term.

However, photos obtained by Leader show management has left the front door open, heavily obscuring the sign.

The door has been seen open on three consecutive days — secured with a rope — potentially leading to a sticky situation for anyone who inadvertently walks in off the street.

But Sunny Massage has left its door open and unwitting customers can’t see the notice on it.
But Sunny Massage has left its door open and unwitting customers can’t see the notice on it.
One of the very few angles from which you can see the notice.
One of the very few angles from which you can see the notice.
The proscribed brothel notice on Sunny Massage's front door.
The proscribed brothel notice on Sunny Massage's front door.

But Pennydale Resident Action Group president Derek Screen said the parlour, whether or not it still offered sex services, needed to be shut down.

“It’s totally inappropriate for a business like this to be operating and it’s definitely not something we want in the community,” Mr Screen said.

“Lots of families use the shops where it is located.”

Mr Screen said he reported Sunny Massage to Moorabbin police after he saw children loitering near the entrance.

“Two young boys poked their heads in the door to see what it was all about, it’s not good enough,” he said.

A mother, who wished to remain anonymous, said she “personally hates” the massage parlour because it’s in the “middle of a family area”.

“It’s three doors from the milk bar my kids go to,” she said.

Moorabbin acting Senior Sergeant David Quirk said police would keep an eye on Sunny Massage.

“All prohibited brothels … will be closely monitored by police,” he said.

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