
Bikie fronts court for vicious assault on man

A high-ranking Rebels bikie tortured a man he thought had assaulted his son by repeatedly bashing his kneecaps in with a sledgehammer and pulled out his nose ring with pliers.

Phillip Maynard has gone to jail for bashing a man’s kneecaps in with a sledgehammer and pulling out his nose ring with pliers.
Phillip Maynard has gone to jail for bashing a man’s kneecaps in with a sledgehammer and pulling out his nose ring with pliers.

A high-ranking bikie who bashed a man’s kneecaps with a sledgehammer and pulled his nose ring out during a violent robbery has been jailed.

Phillip Maynard, a Revels sergeant-at-arms, was sentenced in the County Court on Friday to three years’ jail with a minimum non parole of two years.

The 38-year-old pleaded guilty in October to charges of false imprisonment, intentionally causing injury and theft.

Maynard punched Irfaaz Ali in the face 15 to 20 times, pulled his nose ring out with pliers and struck his kneecap with a sledgehammer during a violent robbery in Craigieburn in May last year.

Maynard thought the victim had assaulted his son.

Phillip Maynard bashed his victim with a sledgehammer.
Phillip Maynard bashed his victim with a sledgehammer.

Mr Ali has since committed suicide.

The victim was allegedly driven by two others to a dead-end dirt road in Craigieburn under the pretext of a proposed GHB drug deal.

Moments after they arrived, Maynard, who was trailing their vehicle, pulled up and punched Mr Ali in the face 15 to 20 times and whacked him with a sledgehammer in the back of the head, face and hands.

During the violent attacks that lasted about half an hour, Mr Ali told Maynard that he was part of the Hells Angels.

Mr Ali was fearful but was unable to get out of the vehicle due to the child lock on his door and his window being locked.

Maynard continued driving and performed a burnout on Summerhill Rd that was captured on CCTV.

He stopped the car at the corner of Donnybrook Rd and Brookeville Rd in Craigieburn and got back into the back seat and again assaulted Mr Ali by punching him.

He then handed Mr Ali a packet of baby wipes and told him to clean himself up because there was blood everywhere. Maynard opened Mr Ali’s side of the door and the latter got out before the former drove off.

Mr Ali tried to run but was unable to because of the injury to his kneecap/thigh

and collapsed on the ground before dragging himself to the side of the road.

Maynard used a pair of pliers to rip out Mr Ali’s nose ring.
Maynard used a pair of pliers to rip out Mr Ali’s nose ring.

He was located by passers-by a short time later and they called 000.

Maynard stole Mr Ali’s $1650 Gucci side bag, iPhone, Versace wallet, necklace and cash.

He suffered multiple facial fractures, a broken nose and cuts and bruising.

Judge Pardeep Tiwana said while the false imprisonment was of short duration, Mr Ali was brought to a secluded location under a false pretence and subjected to a terrifying ordeal that last about 30 minutes and involved fists and a sledgehammer.

Maynard may have wrongly believed Mr Ali assaulted his son however, the judge said any perceived grievance did not entitle the bikie to isolate, confront and assault the victim.

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