‘Really devastated’: Wood, Deering bow out of lord mayor race
Lord mayoral candidate Arron Wood has conceded defeat in the race for the city’s top job, as Lord Mayor Nick Reece pulls ahead — but Carlton great Anthony Koutoufides is hot on his heels.
Lord mayoral candidate Arron Wood has conceded defeat in the race for the city’s top job, as Lord Mayor Nick Reece pulls ahead — but Carlton great Anthony Koutoufides is hot on his heels.
A Mornington Peninsula councillor with a history of backing Teals and the CFMEU has been accidentally revealed as a Labor candidate for the next federal election.
Victorian renters will be given free access to a dispute resolution service to manage conflicts with their landlords in the Allan government’s latest bid to grapple with the state’s housing crisis.
The grieving family of a Tower Hill farming couple — killed when a truck ploughed into their home early on Friday — have told of how the pair worked to “make the world a better place”.
An “amorous couple” whose alleged late-night liaison in a stairwell sparked massive Melbourne train delays has been arrested.
The race for the city’s top job finally is coming to an end, with voting to close on Friday at 6pm. We take a look back over the biggest — and craziest — lord mayoral race in recent memory.
Would-be arsonists have tried to firebomb a tobacco store in Melbourne’s north for the second time this year.
Lord mayoral hopeful Arron Wood aims to create a “Walk of Champions” to celebrate Aussie sporting heroes if elected, while incumbent Nick Reece and the Liberals have revealed their final pitches to voters.
Police are hunting a man who hid in a toilet cubicle at Lido Cinemas on Glenferrie Road before exposing himself to two women.
A wannabe Melbourne councillor amassed more than $38000 in fines for hundreds of driving offences including driving unregistered on toll roads, speeding, ignoring red lights and not paying for parking.
Original URL: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/journalists/angus-mcintyre/page/5