
Toorak tales part two: Epic dads’ club trip to snow

It’s been a big few weeks in Toorak — a week after a boys’ trip ended a marriage there’s been Russian prostitutes flown in for parties and an epic dads trip to the snow.

It’s been a big few weeks for some dads in Toorak.
It’s been a big few weeks for some dads in Toorak.

“They all think they’re the Wolf of Wall St,” one wife said driving her Toorak tractor out of the Village.

“They’re just extremely bored, wealthy men with too much money at their disposal,” said a privileged pal, unconsciously caressing the blinding bobby dazzler on her left hand as she tripped off for a Thermage (it’s all the anti-ageing rage dah-ling).

Our blue-chip bros are on high alert after Page 13 overheard the coke-tail hour chitter-chatter doing the rounds in Toorak last week.

It was all about a boys’ trip that has led to the disintegration of a marriage within a gilded branch of one of Melbourne’s finest families.

An unwanted visitor was found to have travelled back with her husband when his wife found the need to visit her local GP.

But that’s not the only thing to have gone viral among the sockless and stylish set.

Russian hookers are said to have been flown in and out for “hundreds of thousands” to perform at a Toorak mansion where “every drug under the sun” is laid on with the blue-chippers nose-deep from dusk till dawn.




Anything goes as long as you have deep pockets. And our boys have mah-nay to waste.

This week, Page 13 has been told of a recent knees-up at one of Victoria’s popular ski destinations of the rich and famous. Before you ask, no it’s not Mt Hotham’s Blowhard Chalet, although the name is apt.

Fathers, who have stumped up the eye-watering fees to send their sons to one of Melbourne’s elite APS-listed schools were “bonding.”

The bonding revelry turned epic. No prozzies — it’s hard to fly them onto the mountain in the wee hours we hear.

But things got so out of hand they, er, “turned on each other”, it wasn’t just the ski poles which were crossing on that boys’ trip.

Next week, we will pull one from the Toorak vault about the playboy kidnapped by bikies who told him they would remove his plaything unless he paid up.

No poppycock!

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