
Harrowing story behind birth of Lauren Newton’s sixth child

Lauren Newton has detailed her harrowing high-risk pregnancy that saw her bedridden in hospital for 80 days, before her son Alby was born seven weeks premature.

Matt Welsh and Lauren Newton with their son Alby who was born on August 20, 2020. Picture: Supplied
Matt Welsh and Lauren Newton with their son Alby who was born on August 20, 2020. Picture: Supplied

Lauren Newton has described her son, Alby, the youngest grandson of TV legend Bert Newton, as a blessing after a harrowing high risk pregnancy.

Alby James Newton Welsh was born on August 20, weighing 2.7 kgs, at Frances Perry House in Melbourne. He was seven weeks premature and Newton spent 80 days in hospital leading up to his arrival after complications put both her and Alby at risk.

She said her overwhelming emotions as she held him immediately after his birth were love and relief.

“Getting Alby here was not always a guarantee,” Newton revealed.

“It has been a long, very stressful pregnancy and I still look at him and want to pinch myself that he is actually here and he is healthy and safe, that we both made it through and that we have this gorgeous little boy to join the family.

“I had complications from very early on in the pregnancy, so I was on bed rest at home. I went for a doctor’s appointment when I was 22 weeks and was admitted that day and little did I know I would be there until Alby was delivered.”

Newton and her husband, former Olympic swimmer Matt Welsh have five other children, Sam, 12, Eva, 11, Lola, 7, Monty, 4, and Perla, 1.

Laure Newton six baby Alby, with Matt Welsh. Picture: Instagram
Laure Newton six baby Alby, with Matt Welsh. Picture: Instagram

“I ended up spending 80 nights in hospital and it was very hard to be away from the kids, but because of COVID-19 they could not visit so we relied on FaceTime and phone calls,” she said.

“It was difficult for everyone but we all knew that was what had to be done to keep me safe and to give the baby the best chance of survival.”

Newton said she saw each week that passed in hospital as a win for Alby.

“It was always a case of when will I have to have this baby, not can I make it to full term,” she said.

“And each week that passed was a celebration. I made it to 24 weeks and I was pleased to see that number. We just kept saying we want to make it to a week with a three in front of it.

“It was very much a case that he could have been born at any time.

“We made it to 32 weeks and then 33 weeks and my doctor said we would deliver at 34 weeks. Then I suddenly went into labour at 33 weeks.”

Lauren Newton and her children Sam, Lola, Monty, Perla and Eva. Picture: Fiona Byrne
Lauren Newton and her children Sam, Lola, Monty, Perla and Eva. Picture: Fiona Byrne

Alby is named after his grandfather, Bert, who is known by his closest friends as “Alby.”

“Graham (Kennedy) and Don (Lane) called him Alby,” Newton said.

“Dad burst into tears when mum (Patti Newton) told him Alby’s name and that he had another grandson.”

Newton paid tribute to her doctor, Dr Stephen Cole and the team at Frances Perry House special care nursery.

“To have such a long drawn out difficult time and then to have him born and be a boy and be healthy and beautiful and to name him Alby after dad, I just think there could not be a more perfect way for Matt and I to complete our family,” she said.

“We are just so happy to have him, he gives us such joy. He is a blessing.”





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