
Collingwood star Mason Cox makes Christmas all about giving

Collingwood footballer Mason Cox is forfeiting Christmas season in his American homeland to help the needy in Melbourne.

Collingwood star Mason Cox and Major Brendan Nottle of Salvation Army will helm the Salvation Army's Cans Film Festival. Picture: Martin Keep/Coles
Collingwood star Mason Cox and Major Brendan Nottle of Salvation Army will helm the Salvation Army's Cans Film Festival. Picture: Martin Keep/Coles

American Pie Mason Cox is forfeiting Christmas season in his homeland to help the needy in Melbourne.

Cox, dressed as the classic movie characters the Blues Brothers, will helm the Cans Film Festival — with a can of food as the admission price — at the Capitol Theatre on Tuesday.

“I don’t mind putting on a suit once in a while to look fresh,” Cox said. “But we’re doing it for a good cause to try to help people through some hard times.”

The Collingwood star will also stay in town to serve meals to those doing it tough at the annual Salvo’s lunch on Christmas Day.

Cox will have Christmas dinner at media boss Eddie’s McGuire’s home, and travel to New Zealand in the new year to go hiking and fly fishing.

He said the Magpies, who finished fourth on the ladder this year, know expectations will be high for season 2023.

“We’ve got some fresh blood in, and we’re up for the challenge,” Cox said. “For now, we’re getting the game plan sorted keeping match fit.

Major Nottle said can donations at the film event, which is screening the Blues Brothers, “will help some of the most vulnerable people in the community.”

The event is supported by Coles, which has donated 1000 cans of food to the cause. 

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