They’re all wrong: RBA to cut rates again
So-called experts across the country are set to be blindsided, with the RBA shaping up to unexpectedly slash rates again.
So-called experts across the country are set to be blindsided, with the RBA shaping up to unexpectedly slash rates again.
The suburbs where Townsville tenants can lease for less have been revealed with new data showing where the region’s cheapest median rents can be found.
It might be hard to believe, but homes in more than 100 suburbs across Queensland are as cheap to buy now as they were a decade ago.
Hobart’s rental market has shifted gears, with very few areas now posting a decline in prices. 56 SUBURB RESULTS REVEALED
There is hope for Sydney’s renters as suburbs around the city have begun to drop in value. See the suburbs where prices are now up to $200 per week cheaper.
A move aimed at making homes more affordable for struggling Aussies has been savaged as ‘bulls**t’ and ‘just window dressing’ by one of Australia’s leading finance figures.
Latest data has confirmed early signs of an easing rental market — but experts have warned the state’s chronic housing crisis is far from over.
Sydney’s real estate market is witnessing a growing gulf in prices due to building costs and a plethora of government taxes and levies.
A common move by cash strapped homeowners has unwittingly helped tenants as new rental data reveals “fantastic news”.
Aussie renters now need an eyewatering annual income just to afford the average rental, with even six-figure earners facing housing stress. See the worst spots to be a tenant.
One topic front of mind for young Aussies could have the power to sway election results with Millennials and Gen Z out numbering Baby Boomers for the first time ever.
There are plenty of ways troublesome neighbours can get under your skin. If they do want to try it on, this is the perfect way to respond.
Not all neighbourhoods are created equal – these are the ones you need to avoid at all costs.
Amid skyrocketing rents, one investor has returned to the rental market with a financial strategy that’s growing in popularity.
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