Affordable housing units fast-tracked for inner-city residents
Nearly 100 affordable homes are being made for renters in a new city development that’s been fast-tracked by the state government.
Nearly 100 affordable homes are being made for renters in a new city development that’s been fast-tracked by the state government.
The possibility that first-time buyers will secure financial assistance from a federal government program to buy a home has been revealed, and the numbers may alarm you.
A multimillion-dollar budget injection to fix the nation’s floundering home building efforts have been slammed. And more drastic measures may need to be taken.
Multiple suburbs are now on a fast track to double in price after confirmation billions will be spent on Olympic venues there, as experts predict those effects will spread. SEE LIST
Ellen DeGeneres and wife Portia de Rossi have cut their final links to Donald Trump’s America, as they seek a new life elsewhere.
Aussie property pundits have weighed in on the Albanese government’s 2025 budget, and their response may surprise you.
An Aussie council could be the first to follow in the footsteps of a controversial UK tax policy which could destroy housing ambitions.
The Albanese government’s federal budget has exposed a gap that will rip off Australians in a housing impact no one expected.
A shocking new report reveals the inflation-defying Australian suburbs you can buy in for less than you needed a decade ago, including the surprising state with 125 suburbs at less than 2015 prices.
Over a million tenants have been forgotten in this year’s budget despite rental affordability at its worst level on record.
With a budget spruiking that it is ‘Building Australia’s Future’, you’d expect to see all sorts of things in there to aid construction. Here are five ways that the government missed the mark.
A 69-year-old pensioner will have to access his home through a private $12m tunnel after the construction of a new nearby road has left him stranded.
This huge apartment complex was one of the only developments to win two awards at one of the nation’s leading property events.
Experts have laid out what should be in the next budget if the government really wants to fix Australia’s housing crisis.
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