
Warning as shock video shows 11yo Jack Green catching bull shark from Gold Coast canal

Swimmers and fishos are being urged to keep an eye out for bull sharks as wild footage emerged online of an 11-year-old reeling one in. WATCH THE VIDEO

11-year-old reels in bull shark

Swimmers and fishos are being urged to keep an eye out for bull sharks as wild footage emerged online of an 11-year-old reeling one in from a Gold Coast canal.

Angler Jack Green has gained plenty of attention in recent months after videos were posted online of him catching sharks with dad Andrew from the jetty of their Mermaid Waters home.

On Wednesday morning, the 11-year-old hauled in his first bull shark of the season from his backyard.

11-year-old Jack Green with his prized catch. Picture: supplied
11-year-old Jack Green with his prized catch. Picture: supplied

The prized catch measured 1.2m.

Jack said a larger shark he tried to catch on Wednesday night got away from him.

“We couldn’t get it – it just swam to the other side of the canal,” he said.

“It was like really big.”

The mini angler said he was “happy” with his catch, but added “I’ve caught one bigger”.

Jack let the shark go after he reeled it in.

According to Fish & Boat magazine, bull sharks usually start to become active from about mid to late September as the water temperature rises.

You can follow Jack’s Instagram page here: @im – the – fisher – man.

Jack Green reeling in a bull shark from a Mermaid Waters canal.
Jack Green reeling in a bull shark from a Mermaid Waters canal.

How to stay shark safe:

– Avoid swimming at dawn or dusk

– Avoid murky water and don’t swim in harbours, canals, estuaries and river mouths, especially after heavy rainfall

– If it looks fishy, it could be sharky. Leave the water if you see schools of bait fish or diving birds

– Swim and surf between the flags where lifesavers can look out for you

– If there’s no patrolled beach, follow local signage and guidelines

– Surf or swim with a buddy

* Tips from Queensland Government

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