Queensland’s NBN service ranked worst in Australia by ACCC report
Queensland has been named Australia’s worst state for NBN service, recording the highest number of faults and slowest repair times, according to the latest ACCC report out today.
Queensland has been named Australia’s worst state for NBN service, recording the highest number of faults and slowest repair times, according to the latest ACCC report out today.
As Cyclone Alfred looms, Tenants Queensland warns renters to secure properties and understand their responsibilities, as landlords won’t always be forced to cover damage. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW
A Logan development has gone viral after its proposed layout was revealed.
Premier David Crisafulli and the Redland acting mayor have reiterated calls about preparing for Cyclone Alfred after a massive seven-metre wave was recorded off North Stradbroke.
Building flood levees, strengthening homes and even relocating residents are among the recommendations of a $30bn future flood strategy.
A popular food outlet south of Brisbane has been targeted for the third time in four years by “depraved” vandals who caused about $30k of damage and even killed animals in the process. See the CCTV
An elderly mobility scooter is being mourned as “the rock” of his family, as a teenage driver who allegedly caused his death is due to appear in court and a third occupant reamins missing.
Police are appealing for CCTV and dashcam footage following a shooting incident south of Brisbane.
Convicted killers, drug traffickers and sex offenders headline a long list of notorious Queensland criminals who could return to cities and towns throughout the state this year. SEE WHO
A council’s new CEO has been forced to issue an apology a day into her new job after photos of her at a staff farewell party caused a ‘Sh*t Show’.
Louise Rusan has been appointed Redland City’s new CEO while Mayor Jos Mitchell is on leave following a 10-day Olympic fact-finding trip.
A 21-year-old man has been charged after he allegedly hit a young father on an unregistered trail bike on Tuesday, leaving him in a coma.
A pedestrian who was left with serious injuries following a horror hit-and-run incident involving an unregistered trail bike rider south of Brisbane has been identified as a young father.
A man has been left fighting for life after a serious assault at a home south of Brisbane.
Original URL: https://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/news/gold-coast/logan/page/3