‘Not enough funding’: Four to five week wait for sexual violence service
A perfect storm of increasing demand, a lack of qualified counsellors and stagnant funding has left one of the city’s largest sexual violence services struggling to cope.
A perfect storm of increasing demand, a lack of qualified counsellors and stagnant funding has left one of the city’s largest sexual violence services struggling to cope.
A former theme park staffer and his ex have admitted to a raft of child exploitation charges – sharing texts, photos and videos – involving their own kids. Read what they pleaded guilty to.
A northern New South Wales man subjected his Gold Coast-based ex-partner to six months of terror which included him strangling her, breaking in through her dog door and threatening messages and phone calls. Find out more.
A 50-year-old man torched his ex-partner’s jet ski while it was parked in her car port. Find out why.
An accused bikie associate remembered by loved ones as a ‘wonderful, loving’ dad, husband, son, brother and ‘friend to many’ has died in an M1 motorcycle crash. Read the tributes.
A controversial bar’s blatant act has been slammed as “immature and self-centred” by a judge in court. Find out more.
A Labrador woman has faced court after being caught for the fourth time selling cars without a motor dealers licence. Find out what happened to her.
A Gold Coast Instagrammer and her partner have been caught with stolen documents in their home after a police raid. Find out more.
Gold Coast traffic has been thrown into chaos after a truck rolled on the M1 at about 2pm. Find out more.
Police have issued an update into the sudden death of a baby girl on the Gold Coast earlier this month. Find out more.
Original URL: https://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/journalists/lea-emery