
How the Italian mafia are ‘pulling the strings’ of bikie gangs – and could be living next door to you

A 5,000-strong Italian mafia clan so powerful and “disciplined” they dictate to Australia’s biggest bikie gangs has so far flown under the radar. Now, authorities are shining a light on them.

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The Australian Federal Police has warned the Italian mafia could be living next door, with their long track record of domination over the nation’s drug market succeeding because they are “disciplined” and live a far more “modest” life than many of Sydney’s underworld bosses.

More than 5,000 members of the Italian mafia – known as the Ndrangheta – are believed to be operating in Australia and dominating the cocaine market, with control over more than 70 per cent of the cocaine that is trafficked across our borders.

The AFP claims the Ndrangheta is so powerful it even dictates to some of the biggest bikie and crime gangs.

But unlike many of the underworld figures currently being targeted in NSW for living lavish lives and huge wealth that is unexplained, AFP Assistant Commissioner Nigel Ryan said the Ndrangheta had the ability to “operate in the darkness” – but warned authorities wanted to “shine a light” on them.

The Italian mafia – known as the Ndrangheta – are believed to be operating in Australia and dominating the cocaine market, AFP Assistant Commissioner Nigel Ryan said. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Joel Carrett
The Italian mafia – known as the Ndrangheta – are believed to be operating in Australia and dominating the cocaine market, AFP Assistant Commissioner Nigel Ryan said. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Joel Carrett

“I think the word discipline is very important in terms of how the Ndrangheta operate,” Asst Comm Ryan said.

“They’ve been able to stay under the radar by living modest lives in modest homes. They funnel their illegitimate wealth into their legitimate construction, agricultural and catering businesses.

“But definitely the disciple that they have shown over the years has enabled them to actually conduct their business without being detected and in many ways.

“I would say that the Ndrangheta are actually the ones pulling the strings of different other organised crime groups, particularly the more violent groups such as the outlaw motorcycle groups.”

AFP Commander Reagan Stewart, Italian National Police officer Colonel Antonio Montanaro and AFP Assistant Commissioner Nigel Ryan at a recent meeting about the Ndrangheta in Australia. Picture: Aaron Francis/The Australian
AFP Commander Reagan Stewart, Italian National Police officer Colonel Antonio Montanaro and AFP Assistant Commissioner Nigel Ryan at a recent meeting about the Ndrangheta in Australia. Picture: Aaron Francis/The Australian

The AFP has identified a total of 51 Italian organised crime clans in Australia, 14 of them directly linked to the Ndrangheta.

A key focus has been plotting the familial links between the crime operations not only in Australia, but also in Italy and around the world.

“In collaboration with Italian authorities, the AFP has been mapping and assessing the familial relationships, through blood or marriage of the ‘Ndrangheta in Australia,” Asst Comm Ryan said.

“Our picture of the clans is continuing to grow, but intelligence suggests their overall membership could potentially be similar to that of patched members in Australian outlaw motorcycle gangs.

“That shows how subterranean and significant the ‘Ndrangheta are in Australia.”

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