
Comanchero bikie boss Mark Buddle threatens Turkish journalists

Self-appointed Comanchero bikie boss Mark Buddle has threatened Turkish journalists that they will have to be “scraped from the ground with a razor” if they write about him.

The Comanchero Bikie Gang: Blood, Buddle & ANOM

Mark Buddle is being protected by a cabal of Northern Cyprus businessman in his new life in exile on the Mediterranean island, according to Turkish media reports.

The self-appointed Comanchero bikie boss has threatened local journalists that they will have to be “scraped from the ground with a razor” if they write about him. Despite that, the local regional newspapers continue to publish headlines about the Australian drug lord in their midst.

The latest article is in the Bakirkoy Gazetesi and claims Buddle, 43, one of Australia’s most wanted men, arrived on the island initially on a 30-day visa before he got a residence permit and is involved in a number of arms-length developments.

The Daily Telegraph has earlier revealed claims that he was granted residency in Northern Cyprus because he would bring “high income to the country”. The Sydney crime boss is estimated to be worth more than $100 million, largely accrued from drug trafficking.

A disputed part of Cyprus, Northern Cyprus is viewed by Turkey as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Self-appointed Comanchero bikie boss Mark Buddle with his partner Mel Terwisscha.
Self-appointed Comanchero bikie boss Mark Buddle with his partner Mel Terwisscha.

The newspaper article reports claims that: “Buddle is under protection by a group of business people in the north of Cyprus, as well as official authorities.

“He hasn’t made any investments, but there are other developments with him...It is now certain that someone inside the state is protecting (him).”

Mark Buddle is the subject of a Bikirkoy Gazetisi article, appearing on the newspaper’s website.
Mark Buddle is the subject of a Bikirkoy Gazetisi article, appearing on the newspaper’s website.

He moved on from his luxurious home on the Palm Islands in Dubai - where he lived with his partner Melanie Ter Wisscha and their daughter - to Lebanon as he was pursued by his outlaw mates after he recommended they take up the AN0N app that they thought kept their dealings secret. However it was an ingenious sting set up by the FBI and the Australian Federal Police, who were able to listen in to everything being said by the criminal ­networks.

Buddle fled Australia in 2016 as a person of interest in the murder of Armaguard security guard Gary Allibon.

The Bakirkoy Gazetesi, which repeats claims that Buddle is wanted by Interpol, said some Cypriot journalists “who reported on this dark man..were also officially threatened, and messages were sent to them and they were advised to stop pursuing this matter.

“The men are so daring that in the messages sent to the relatives of those who broadcast about has been said that they will be made to be scraped from the ground with a razor”. 

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