

Abuzar Sultani group’s coded text messages revealed

Read the stunning series of messages circulated between hitman Abuzar Sultani’s crew as they vowed their grandchildren would tell tales of their deeds.

The inner workings of convicted killer Abuzar Sultani

During the three-year investigation into Abuzar Sultani and his crew, police were able to retrieve some of the text messages between the main players in the criminal group.

Court documents reveal that all of them had multiple encrypted phones.

In most cases police were able to establish who the texts came from and who they were sent to, although there were instances where they were not positive who was in possession of the phone. Most pertain to the killing of Pasquale Barbaro.

Pasquale Barbaro was shot dead in Earlwood. Picture: Instagram
Pasquale Barbaro was shot dead in Earlwood. Picture: Instagram


Sultani: If we pull this off, bro, no-one has done it like us and still walking.

Sultani to Bains: Only issue is camera and hoodie because I didn’t have my undie mask pulled up to cover my face and I was running so hoodie mite have fell off but when i run back to car i wasn’t walking and had hoodie on and head down.

Baines to Sultani: Just seen on the news they made a new unit for underworld knockings. They go hard to make arrests.

Sultani: Yep. let’s survive this strike force so we can tell our grandkids ‘we shook Sydney and no-one didn’t even know it.’

Baines: The only way they can get us is we slip. I know we wont so fuck them in their faces.

Joshua Baines was arrested in relation to the murder of Pasquale Barbaro.
Joshua Baines was arrested in relation to the murder of Pasquale Barbaro.

Sultani to Baines: I’ve just watched ACA. just been thinking about hoodie. just curious if they got me or not. If not then I’m sweet. other than that it was done clean. even with the WRX. (referring to a segment on A Current Affair TV Show)

Baines to Sultani: yeah, i've seen it too. You’d be sweet my brother because you kept putting your head down. they wouldn’t have you.

Baines to Munshizada: good night brother, you are a machine driver, love your work, see you in the morning, my brother love you.’

Munshizada to Baines: sorry, just seen this love you too, my brother you’re a machine, hope you slept well see you. today we laughed at putrid mutt.

Sultani: I know that pasq was a big rat.

Sultani: Can‘t believe the shit were pulled off and don’t even get raided, Lol, or questioned. Hopefully it stays like that.

Baines: the last one was the best. (referring to killing Pasquale Barbaro)

Baines: I love the feeling. I didn‘t hesitate, just let loose on him brother.

Sultani: It was my best, bro.

Sultani to an informant: Everything should be sweet but just got to be real careful Esp when people getting knocked the best cops are on the case.

Munshizada: the dog is dead LOL sent back to his creator to confess sins and scummy life. (referring to Pasquale Barbaro)

Protected Witness to Munshizada: what‘s going on brother/ everything Ok/ I didn’t know something was happening.

Munshizada replies: yeah all good brother Pasquales officially dead about an hour ago.

Protected witness: LOL I hear your a fucking machine.


Sultani: The rebels was clean.

Sultani: (Bikie) got a few in the back of the head.

Read related topics:Abuzar 'Abs' SultaniBikies NSW

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