CBD rates freeze proposed in Lismore Square debate
A MOTION before Lismore City Council may help bring councillors opposing the controversial Lismore Shopping Square expansion on side.
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A MOTION before Lismore City Council may help bring councillors opposing the controversial Lismore Shopping Square expansion on side.
“WHO do they expect to build our roads? A local guy with a truck and a shovel? It doesn’t work that way.”
WORKSHOPS to build better flood plans.
New collaboration between Lismore’s landlords and art world to see empty shop spaces in the CBD transformed into creative studios for flood-affected artists.
LISMORE City Council’s recently adopted Koala Plan of Management has been recognised by winning a Local Government Excellence in the Environment Award.
LISMORE can rest easier going into the annual Northern Rivers flood season – its flood levee repairs are finally complete.
Lismore leaders to develop partnership response to community’s vision at two day summit
TROPICAL Fruits Inc and Lismore City Council have been awarded a Keep Australia Beautiful Beverage Container Recycling grant.
LISMORE City Council has been selected for a project that will deliver an electronic development application system.
A PROPOSAL for a special rate increase of $6 next year to boost Lismore’s marketing budget now looks unlikely.
LISMORE City mayor Jenny Dowell and fellow councillor Vanessa Ekins have some standing orders for the region’s locals this Christmas – go local.
YOUNG driver education group Southern Cross LADS has reached another milestone in its mission to improve young driver safety.
LISMORE councillors are tonight gathering for a workshop on the council’s long term financial plan.
THE STRENGTH of family and community and a taste for Sth Lismore history was palpable at yesterday’s dedication of Paul Jones Lane by Lismore mayor Jenny Dowell.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/topics/lismore-city-council/page/105