
Catalina: Apartment blocks planned for Batemans Bay suburb

A residential street in a rapidly growing south coast destination may soon undergo a makeover, with large-scale unit blocks set to surround one- and two-storey homes.

An artist’s impression of the plans.
An artist’s impression of the plans.

A residential street in a south coast suburb could soon transform, with large-scale, modern and “high-quality” apartment blocks planned for the rapidly growing coastal destination.

Four large-scale unit blocks have been proposed for 48 Catalina Dr, Catalina in Batemans Bay, with the nearly $1m plans sitting with the Eurobodalla Council on public exhibition.

Proposed and submitted by Sydney-based Lotus Constructions, the plan aims to “address the housing needs of the Eurobodalla” and provide a “positive visual relationship with the existing and desired future streetscape character of the area”.

A spokesman for Lotus Constructions said the units were proposed for the vacant block in the residentially zoned suburb, surrounded by one- and two-storey homes.

However, they suggested the area was slowly changing, with more large-scale buildings being proposed and constructed around the town of 20,000.

The proposal features four units.
The proposal features four units.

The spokesman said the development proposed the construction of four unit blocks.

Three of them are set to comprise multiple three-bedroom dwellings, each featuring living and dining areas, laundries, bathrooms, alfrescos, double garages, studies and balconies.

Artist impression of the plans.
Artist impression of the plans.

While the other will also feature these rooms and facilities, it will only have two-bedroom dwellings and single-vehicle garages.

The spokesman said the designs of the apartments were modern and worked with the way Batemans Bay was growing.

“The intent of the proposed development is to provide a well-designed, multi-dwelling housing development that contributes to the provision of additional housing supply,” he said.

“The design of the development is reflective of the intent of current controls and the desired future character of the area.”

Despite being proposed on a street with no large-scale residential developments, the spokesman said the design would not have any negative effects on the surrounding street.

“An appropriate composition of building elements, material textures and colours have been implemented throughout the design to ensure a development that is complementary to the streetscape of Catalina Dr and the surrounding residential zoning,” he said.

The proposal comes at a time of rapid growth in Batemans Bay, with multiple large-scale apartment buildings being proposed or approved in the region.

Multiple developers have previously told this publication that their apartments were proposed for a number of reasons, mainly being due to rapid population growth in the coastal town and a need for more housing, similar to the Catalina development.

The proposal for 48 Catalina Dr will remain on public exhibition until August 23.

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