

Rapper ChillinIT‘s Covid breach, hinder police charges withdrawn

Blake Turnell, better known as ChillinIT, has had his charges of breaching Covid rules and hindering police during an incident in a shopping centre sensationally withdrawn in court.

Blake James Turnell, known as Chillinit, appeared in Sutherland Local Court last week. Picture: Ashleigh Tullis
Blake James Turnell, known as Chillinit, appeared in Sutherland Local Court last week. Picture: Ashleigh Tullis

An Australian rapper will be able to perform on his New Zealand tour this month without serious charges hanging over his head after they were sensationally dropped in court.

Blake Turnell, known as ChillinIT, was due to defend allegations of breaching Covid rules and hindering police but all charges were withdrawn at the eleventh hour.

The 28-year-old singer did not appear in Sutherland Local Court on Friday and there was no explanation for why the police prosecutor withdrew the charges.

Police alleged officers approached Turnell in Westfield Hurstville due to not wearing a mask inside the shopping centre, before he allegedly provided a false name and birthdate as a joke, then swore at the officer, about 5pm on November 7 last year.

Video recorded by Turnell’s mother and posted to ChillinIT’s Instagram shows the moment he was taken to ground and restrained while already handcuffed.

Turnell was charged with resisting and hindering police, providing false or misleading information, offensive language, not wearing a mask and prohibited drug possession.

Rapper Chillinit (right) with lawyer Ahmed Dib (left) outside Sutherland Local Court. Picture: Eliza Barr
Rapper Chillinit (right) with lawyer Ahmed Dib (left) outside Sutherland Local Court. Picture: Eliza Barr

Turnell, who lives in Peakhurst, was placed on bail conditions for those matters, including abiding by public health orders, and was prohibited from taking any illegal drugs.

Turnell pleaded not guilty to the charges and was set to face a hearing at Sutherland Local Court on March 21 this year when a new charge was laid.

The hearing was therefore was relisted to December 9 this year.

Outside court, ChillinIT’s lawyer Ahmed Dib said he had been negotiating with police for more than a year to have the charges withdrawn.

Australian rapper, ChillinIT, aka Blake Turnell with lawyer Ahmed Dib during a Sutherland Local Court appearance. Picture: Ashleigh Tullis
Australian rapper, ChillinIT, aka Blake Turnell with lawyer Ahmed Dib during a Sutherland Local Court appearance. Picture: Ashleigh Tullis

Mr Dib said he was unaware of the reason why police withdrew the charges, but was pleased nonetheless.

“We didn’t think he had committed any offence,” Mr Dib said. “We felt ChillinIT had been targeted unnecessarily.

“We are thankful the police made the decision to withdraw the charges.

“It has been a long time that the proceedings have been on foot, and ChillinIT is glad it has been finalised and he can concentrate on his career of making music.

“Now he can perform in New Zealand next week and continue to build on his music.”

Mr Dib said ChillinIT’s tour had been put in jeopardy after the New Zealand immigration department had concerns about the ongoing charges.

“He is relieved,” he said. “ChillinIT has been vindicated and is now able to perform in New Zealand.

“He has made significant changes in his life. He now has a partner who is pregnant and he is knuckling down with his work and next album.

Video grabs of rapper ChillinIT, aka Blake Turmell, being arrested for not wearing a Covid mask in Westfield Hurstville.
Video grabs of rapper ChillinIT, aka Blake Turmell, being arrested for not wearing a Covid mask in Westfield Hurstville.

“The charges were hanging around in the background.

“A weight has been lifted off his chest and he can concentrate on bigger things in his life.”

Chillinit is due to perform in New Zealand before the end of the year and is expected to become a father for the first time in 2023.

Turnell appeared with his partner and mother at the ARIA Music Awards two weeks ago where he was nominated in the best hip hop/rap release category for his third album, Family Ties.

He boasts 326,000 Instagram followers and released his debut album, Women Weed and Wordplay, in 2018.

Notably, the NSW government last week withdrew two types of Covid fines, conceding they were invalid, which means more than 33,000 fines will be cancelled or refunded.

The fines that will be withdrawn were ‘fail to comply with noticed direction in relation section 7/8/9 – COVID-19’ for an individual and company.

The two penalty notices were among the most common penalty notices issued by police to people alleged of breaching Covid-19 public health orders.

Any fines already paid will be refunded, and any fines that have not been settled will be withdrawn.

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