‘Unclear’ childcare plans defer four-storey unit block development approval
Plans for a four-storey unit block at Merrylands have been deferred after concerns over its interference with a childcare were raised.
Plans for a four-storey unit block at Merrylands have been deferred after concerns over a conflict of interest between residents living close to a childcare centre in the complex.
The application before Cumberland Council proposes a shop, 14 units, a 50-place childcare centre and a two-level basement carpark for 41 cars at 14 Hilltop Rd.
Cumberland Local Planning Panel recently approved the application, which was first submitted to the council in March 2018, but deferred it until traffic conditions were met.
This included including safety measures for children using the same lift as visitors for the commercial premises, a sheltered play area, a 1.5m privacy screen on the communal open space on the third or fourth storeys and landscaping around a substation to improve its appearance.
Panel member Larissa Ozog raised concerns the building design and feared residents would have to go through the childcare centre to reach their homes.
“I’ve got some concerns, potentially about conflict with the childcare centre and residents,’’ she said.
“The way it’s been designed, it’s not really clear … residents had to traverse some of their (childcare) spaces.
“It’s not ideal, really.”
Traffic gridlock also delayed a decision on the application following concerns parking would cause a bottleneck.
But traffic engineer Morgan Stanbury said there were provisions for vehicles to take three-point turns in the unlikely circumstances all visitor spaces were occupied and an ability for two oncoming vehicles to pass if the carpark was full.
“We consider it particularly unlikely that there will be a time when all those visitor spaces are occupied and there will be a requirement for vehicles to turn around,’’ he said.
A median island was also being considered to provide a refuge for pedestrians walking between two driveways at Hilltop Rd.