
Dogs being put on antidepressants, such as Xanax, to cope with stress

AN increasing amount of dogs are being treated for stress and anxiety, with antidepressants such as Xanax being used to help calm them.

You wouldn’t think dogs today would have much to worry about considering they’ve never been so pampered.

But, according to experts, an increasing number are being diagnosed with stress and anxiety — along with their owners — and they’re even being prescribed antidepressants to help them cope.

Barbara Hodel, who is hosting a seminar on the northern beaches next week called ‘My dog is stressed out and so am I’, said in the last 10 to 15 years the job description for dogs had changed dramatically, but unfortunately no one had told the dogs.

“Stress has become a major problem for dogs and their owners,” said the canine behavioural therapist.

Louise Colombari with Ruby. Pic: Martin Lange.
Louise Colombari with Ruby. Pic: Martin Lange.

“For example, previous generations used to be fine with dogs barking when someone came to the door, but now we think of it as nuisance behaviour, when it is normal.”

She said issues with excessive barking are also increasing because owners often have busy lives and are leaving their dog at home all day.

“Dogs are bored and lonely and so they bark, dig up the garden or destroy the house,” said Ms Hodel, who has a four-year-old German shorthaired pointer called Shellbe.

A lot of the dogs she sees are in need of more mental stimulation and physical exercise.

“We live in an affluent society where people get dogs because it’s what the Jones’ do.

“But they are a lot of work.

Maxine Fernandez plays with her dog. Pic: Martin Lange
Maxine Fernandez plays with her dog. Pic: Martin Lange

“If you work fulltime, have three kids and a social life, don’t get a dog.”

Fellow behavioural trainer, Louise Colombari, who works at Pittwater Animal Hospital and who will also be speaking at the seminar, said her dog Ruby, a staffordshire bull terrier, was recently prescribed a very low dose of Xanax, to help with an anxiety issue.

Xanax is being used to treat dogs.
Xanax is being used to treat dogs.

After noticing she was developing signs of stress in the afternoons, she tried a number of ways to help her, including a collar that gives off a pheromone replicating a lactating female dog and an acupressure jacket.

Barbara Hodel with her dog. Pic: Martin Lange
Barbara Hodel with her dog. Pic: Martin Lange

Ms Colombari said a month on a low dose of Xanax relaxed Ruby enough so she could help her.

“The vet gave her enough to lower her anxiety levels so I could communicate with her and help,” she added, saying medication would only ever be prescribed in conjunction with behavioural therapy.

Natalie MacDonald, from Allambie Vets, said many owners do not realise their pets are displaying signs of stress until it escalates and then medication is needed to bring the situation under control.

Signs and symptoms, as well as tips and advice will be given at the free seminar at Canine Kindergarten on March 17, starting at 7.30pm.

To book a spot email


Panting, when they’re not hot or have been inactive


Avoiding eye contact or showing the whites of their eyes

Sniffing the ground, when there’s nothing to sniff




People trying to pat a dog’s head, that’s not how they meet and greet

meeting strange dogs, particularly at dog parks


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