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Local Sports Stars
Baseball player 16-year-old Tiana Lascala poses at Dark Park in Casula, NSW, Australia. 7 March, 2018. Tiana is our first nominee for this year's Local Sports Star competition. The baseball player is the first girl to be selected as part of a southwest baseball squad.(AAP IMAGE / Carmela Roche).

Hitting out of the park

When she’s not at school, Tiana Lascala spends her time training and playing baseball. The 16-year-old is the Leader’s first Local Sports Star nominee for 2018.

Young cricketer Riley Brunsden poses for photographs at Andromeda Oval in Cranebrook on Friday the 8th of December ,2017.Riley has cystic fibrosis and has won the national Young Sporting Spirit award. ( AAP Image/ Justin Sanson)

Riley shows true Aussie spirit

YOUNG cricketer Riley Brunsden looks like every 13-year-old but on the inside he is doing it tough — and the battles he faces just to play the sport he loves has earnt him national praise.

The Express
Wanderers Abdullah Karim has been named the world's best Power-chair footballer. Panania Saturday, November 4th 2017. Panania's Abdullah Karim has been named the world's best Power-chair footballer at the World Cup. (AAP Image / Angelo Velardo)

The ‘Messi’ of wheelchair soccer

PANANIA’s Abdullah is called the “Messi” of powerchair soccer. The 17kg, 26-year-old took the title of being the world’s best at the 2017 World Cup. He tells his story and why he’s not resting on his laurels.

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