
Local Sports Star: Sebastian Cerecedo aims for the stars

If he’s not training with his soccer team, Sebastian Cerecedo is doing drills with this dad.

Sebastian Cerecedo has played soccer since he was four years old. Picture: Carmela Roche
Sebastian Cerecedo has played soccer since he was four years old. Picture: Carmela Roche

If he’s not training with his soccer team, Sebastian Cerecedo is doing drills with this dad.

The 14-year-old from Voyager Point is continuing a family tradition by pursuing his love of soccer, for which he trains six times a week.

The young prodigy was recently selected for a talent support program with Football NSW — only one of many achievements in his short career.

Sebastian has been nominated for a Local Sports Star award in the Young Sporting Spirit Individual category.

The award recognises athletes aged 18 and under who demonstrate dedication, fairness and sportsmanship.

Sebastian Cerecedo has been nominated for a Local Sports Star award. Picturel: Carmela Roche
Sebastian Cerecedo has been nominated for a Local Sports Star award. Picturel: Carmela Roche

Sebastian’s father, Alex Cerecedo, said he was “couldn’t be prouder” of his son and his attitude towards the game.

“He gives 100 per cent, always tries his best. He’s had setbacks in the past,” Mr Cerecedo said.

Despite those setbacks, Sebastian is focused on learning from his experiences and picking himself back up.

The midfielder has played for Mounties Wanderers FC and St George FC and from age eight to 12 was selected for the Football Excellence Academy.

“Sebastian is very dedicated to his sport,” Mr Cerecedo said.

The teen has played soccer since he was four, getting his first lessons from his dad, an avid soccer player.

“Not only did I take him to training, I also trained him,” Mr Cerecedo said.

“I’m from Argentina so soccer is pretty much in my blood.”

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