
Liverpool’s rezoning is setting an example for other city centres

LIVERPOOL is setting an example for the rest of the state when it comes to town centre planning, says Sydney-based property development industry group the Urban Taskforce.

Liverpool Council chief executive Kiersten Fishburn, Planning and Housing Minister Anthony Roberts and Liverpool Mayor Wendy Waller at the rezoning announcement. Picture: Jessica Hromas
Liverpool Council chief executive Kiersten Fishburn, Planning and Housing Minister Anthony Roberts and Liverpool Mayor Wendy Waller at the rezoning announcement. Picture: Jessica Hromas

LIVERPOOL is setting an example for the rest of the state when it comes to town centre planning, says Sydney-based property development industry group the Urban Taskforce.

The group’s chief executive Chris Johnson said the recently announced rezoning of 25ha of the city centre was a “good model” for all centres across Sydney because it supported mixed-use developments.

NSW Planning and Housing Minister Anthony Roberts said last week the rezoning from commercial to mixed-use will see up to 10,000 new homes built and more than 22,000 new jobs created.

The rezoning is part of Amendment 52 of the Liverpool LEP.
The rezoning is part of Amendment 52 of the Liverpool LEP.
It will allow mixed-use developments in the CBD.
It will allow mixed-use developments in the CBD.

“The rezoning enables increased building heights for selected key sites and will ensure people have easy access to public transport, the city campuses of both Western Sydney University and University of Wollongong and Liverpool Hospital’s $740 million redevelopment,” he said. Pedestrian and cycle paths throughout the city will also be improved to make the Georges River more accessible and there will be a focus on allocating green spaces and preserving open space community areas.

Liverpool Council will next consider development applications.

The Urban Taskforce is now pushing for the Liverpool model to be considered for cities such as North Sydney, Chatswood and Parramatta.

The Sydney Business Chamber’s Western Sydney director David Borger said it was a “significant first step in Liverpool’s transformation”.

“Liverpool is already on its way to becoming Sydney’s next significant city, with its strong population growth and proud multicultural community but it needs a helping hand,” he said, adding now was the time for investment. This is just the beginning of a bright future for Liverpool.”

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