
Tradie hits head at Glenorie construction site

A tradie has fallen three metres onto concrete after the beam he was standing on gave way at a construction site in The Hills.

A tradie has been flown to Westmead Hospital after falling three metres onto concrete at a construction site in Glenorie. Picture: CareFlight.
A tradie has been flown to Westmead Hospital after falling three metres onto concrete at a construction site in Glenorie. Picture: CareFlight.

A 32-year-old man has been flown to hospital in a stable condition after falling from a single-storey roof while working.

A CareFlight spokesman said the timber beam supporting the man broke before he fell about three metres, hitting his head on the concrete foundation below.

CareFlight’s rapid response rescue helicopter was called shortly before 1.30pm, landing in the street at the scene within 20 minutes.

A tradie has been flown to Westmead Hospital after falling three metres onto concrete at a construction site in Glenorie. Picture: CareFlight.
A tradie has been flown to Westmead Hospital after falling three metres onto concrete at a construction site in Glenorie. Picture: CareFlight.

NSW Ambulance paramedics arrived shortly later by road and assisted the CareFlight medical team.

CareFlight’s specialist doctor and critical care paramedic treated the man at the scene for injuries to the head and arm.

The patient was then flown to Westmead Hospital in a stable condition.

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