
Ask the vet: What is a non-contact visit?

Dr Anne Fawcett talks about what a non-contact visit involves, which veterinary clinics and hospitals are now enforcing to minimise risks during the coronavirus pandemic.

Veterinary clinics and hospitals can remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Veterinary clinics and hospitals can remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q: My local vet remains open, but they are now doing non-contact visits. What does this mean?

A: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most veterinary clinics have changed how they operate. As essential services, veterinary clinics and hospitals can remain open but must minimise human-to-human contact.

While there is currently no evidence that companion animals develop COVID-19 or that they can infect humans or other animals, human-to-human transmission could occur due to close contact. At the clinics I work in, non-contact visits look like this:
The client calls ahead of time. If they have COVID-19 or if they are in quarantine, they are asked to let us know and have someone else bring the animal in.
A verbal history of the animal may be taken over the phone. Good things to share are what the problem(s) is/are, when they began, any previous episodes, response to any previous treatment, any allergies and current medications your pet is on.

Dr Anne Fawcett wearing personal protective equipment. Source:
Dr Anne Fawcett wearing personal protective equipment. Source:

The veterinary team wear personal protective equipment including masks and gowns.
The patient (your pet) is admitted to hospital and examined while you wait outside, in your car or at home.
If diagnostic tests or treatments are required, we usually call first.
Once treatments are complete the owner is contacted, and the animal is discharged home with instructions.

Although it’s a bit different, most pets cope very well with this, and most clients are very appreciative of steps we are taking to practice physical distancing while helping their pets.

Dr Anne Fawcett is a lecturer in veterinary science at the University of Sydney and a veterinarian in inner Sydney. Read her blog at

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