
Ask the vet: can I bring my pets to the vet if I’m self-isolating?

Dr Anne Fawcett talks about the steps that you should take to self-isolate from animals when you are feeling sick.

It is important to isolate from animals the same way you would from humans.
It is important to isolate from animals the same way you would from humans.

Q: I am self-isolating due to a cold. Can I still bring my pets to the vet?

A: Veterinary clinics and hospitals around Australia remain open, but it is critical to take precautions to minimise the potential spread of COVID-19.

There is currently no evidence that companion animals develop COVID-19, or that they can infect humans.

However, if you are self-isolating, it is important that you are isolating from animals in the same way you are isolating from humans and take the following steps:
If you are unwell, minimise contact with companion animals, especially face-to-face contact, face-to-fur contact or co-sleeping.
Wash your hands before and after touching animals.
Use coughing etiquette as you would in the presence of other members at home.

Wash your hands before and after touching animals.
Wash your hands before and after touching animals.

If you have been unwell or in contact with someone unwell and need to take your pet to the vet, phone ahead and let the vet clinic know.
Order medications and food by phone to minimise the amount of time you need to spend in the clinic and avoid unnecessary trips.
Limit veterinary visits to one person per animal coming into the clinic.
If you are able, ask a friend or family member to take your pet to the vet for you.
Reschedule non-urgent appointments until you are well or your self-isolation period has concluded.

Dr Anne Fawcett is a lecturer in veterinary science at the University of Sydney and a veterinarian in inner Sydney. Read her blog

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