
We ignore aged-care demands at our peril

THE Federal Government’s recentlyannounced $347 million package for aged care has provided our region with just 70 additional residential aged-care places.

THE Federal Government’s recentlyannounced $347 million package for aged care has provided our region with just 70 additional residential aged-care places.

As our population grows older the pressures placed upon our community health services will increase dramatically.

The NSW Nurses’ Association has told me these services are not coping well now.

Government and community relations officer for the NSW Nurses’ Association, Rita Martin, said our community services were ‘deteriorating by the day’.

So while these extra beds are a boon for the elderly and disabled people in our community, are they enough?

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in the 12 months ending June 30, 2008, the number of centenarians increased by 540 people (19 per cent) to reach 3400. This was an almost threefold increase over the past two decades since 1988. Over the past two decades, the number of elderly people increased by 165pc, compared with a total population growth of 29pc over the same period.

In coming decades this will have major implications for our region, including issues for health, employment and housing.

Will our aged-care services be able to accommodate these changes and the demands that will be placed upon them?

We will have more people ageing, more needing aged services and care and not enough services to cater for their needs.

If current and future governments do not focus on this area in the next decade, families will be left, especially in regional areas, in deep distress.

Originally published as We ignore aged-care demands at our peril

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