
Two Lismore councillors force holiday extraordinary meeting on city’s future plans

Two Lismore councillors caused a ruckus in chambers after moving to dismiss the community from its input into the city’s future. Here is what happened.

Councilors were called to an extraordinary council meeting over a motion to remove the community from their say in Lismore’s future.
Councilors were called to an extraordinary council meeting over a motion to remove the community from their say in Lismore’s future.

Debate has flowed after two Lismore City councillors called an extraordinary meeting on Thursday morning wanting to dismiss the citizens assembly and cease all community consultation for the city’s future.

Cr Rob, backed by Cr Peter Colby also moved to have “all aspects” of the Vision and Blueprint strategy made available to councillors prior to all and any events so resolutions could be made.

The two councillors called for the plans for the city to return to council after the announcement the community would be able to have their say on what the town needs.

Chambers heard the Vision and Blueprint strategy had taken almost 13 months to reach the community consultation stage and Crs Colby and Rob had more than enough time to object before it went on public display.

But Cr Rob said “our job is to not let staff do what they want, our job is to govern”.

Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg (left) with Council's Manager of Investment and Growth Katherine O'Regan, Council General Manager Jon Gibbons and Councillor Electra Jensen at Heritage Park.
Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg (left) with Council's Manager of Investment and Growth Katherine O'Regan, Council General Manager Jon Gibbons and Councillor Electra Jensen at Heritage Park.

“Our most important thing is our ten-year CSP (community strategic plan). It’s our ten-year plan that informs everything else.”

He said councillors were not informed of engagements or “couldn’t be bothered” to attend any because he knew of no other councillor attending any council organised community engagements.

Cr Ekins raised a point of order saying she was aware of them but couldn’t attend but would have if she was able to, not because she didn’t “bother”.

An exchange between Mayor Krieg and Cr Rob ensued over the point.

“I think a number of councillors would take offence to the fact that you’re saying that we didn’t bother, me included,” Mr Krieg said.

Cr Big Rob.
Cr Big Rob.

“I don’t think any councillor in this room doesn’t bother to show up to things.”

Cr Rob called the point “completely inappropriate” before the Mayor ruled on it for the meeting to continue.

Cr Darlene Cook said the citizens assembly is one method of getting a sample of people to represent the entire community.

“There are questions about how much this will cost – yes, community consultations cost money but arguing over a couple hundred-thousand bucks is peanuts in the scope of our budget.”

Cr Darlene Cook said the involvement of the community and business leaders is commonplace around the world.
Cr Darlene Cook said the involvement of the community and business leaders is commonplace around the world.

Cr Cook said it is “an insult” in saying we don’t trust the community and business leaders across the Lismore LGA along with councils general manager and staff to come up with a vision and recommendations for the city’s future.

She said the council does not have to endorse “every micro detail”.

Council has been previously criticised over lack of community engagement and this is a “golden opportunity” to get community feedback and “get the plan rolling”.

Cr Andrew Gordan said the public is “sick to death” of hearing the bickering in chambers.

He said by January 30 council would be in a better position to make an “inclusive decision”.

Cr Rob and Cr Colby’s motion was defeated by Cr Cook, Cr Gordon, Cr Hall, Cr Ekins, Cr Jensen, and Mayor Krieg.

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