
Regional airport opens up new commercial pilot course

A new initiative to train up commercial pilots has been a decade in the making.

NEW HORIZONS: TAFE NSW aviation Team Leader Andrew Trease said they're excited to be training the next generation of pilots in Lismore. Photo: Alison Paterson
NEW HORIZONS: TAFE NSW aviation Team Leader Andrew Trease said they're excited to be training the next generation of pilots in Lismore. Photo: Alison Paterson

A Northern Rivers airport is set to become the hub of an innovative TAFE course preparing students for a career behind the joystick as a commercial pilot.

The state government this week announced TAFE NSW and Airways Aviation will launch the careers of thousands of aspiring commercial pilots when a new course commences, operating out of Lismore.

TAFE NSW Aviation team leader, Andrew Trease, said they were excited to be training the next generation of pilots through their Diploma of Aviation in the regional city.

"This has been a decade in the making, it is very exciting," he said.

"The 12 month course is being run in partnership with Airways Aviation and it's going to be fantastic not only for the students but for the region and the industry."

Mr Trease said while Australia needs an additional 11,000 pilots by 2038, international demand for pilots trained in Australia is set to increase.

He said more than 260,000 new pilots are required to sustain the aviation industry within the Asia-Pacific region over the next two decades.


FIRST CLASS: TAFE NSW Aviation Team Leader Andrew Trease said he is very excited that they will soon commence training the next generation of pilots in Lismore. Photo: Alison Paterson
FIRST CLASS: TAFE NSW Aviation Team Leader Andrew Trease said he is very excited that they will soon commence training the next generation of pilots in Lismore. Photo: Alison Paterson

Airways Aviation general manager, Helena Tierney, said the partnership marked a new era in aviation training for NSW.

"Airways Aviation has over 30 years of international experience and today, is the largest privately owned group of multidisciplinary aviation academies of its kind," she said.

"We are extremely proud to partner with TAFE NSW to assist domestic and international students gain the skills required to achieve their dream of becoming a commercial pilot."

Ahead of the first cohort of students, Mr Trease said Lismore was the perfect place to study.

"With COVID-19, moving to the country is far preferable for students than studying in a city," he said.

"We are hoping to attract students from across NSW as well as from around Australia and eventually when COVID-19 restrictions lift, we would love to attract international students."

Mr Trease said on graduating, students will be able to choose form a variety of opportunities.

"As a commercial pilot the areas you can go into include private charter work, freight and scenic flights," he said.

"The first year we hope to get between 40 and 60 students."

While at $95,000, the course fee is not cheap, but it is affordable, Mr Trease said.

He said the Federal Government has increased the amount those studying aviation can borrow under the vocational education and training (VET) student loans scheme.

Local Nationals Member of the Legislative Council Ben Franklin said the course is a critical element in supporting NSW during the COVID-19 recovery.

Minister Skills and Tertiary Education Geoff Lee said the training on offer will be first class.

More information will soon be available via

Originally published as How Lismore will help launch careers for thousands of pilots

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