
Reform of our health system long overdue

WHAT price our health?

WHAT price our health?

Since the release of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission’s report, some are quoting a hefty tax hike of $1000 a year for the average income earner if we want to fix our ailing health care system.

This will be too steep for most to stomach. The Rudd Government will have to come up with some alternatives to cover the proposed $5.7 billion a year cost to implement the commission’s recommendations for fixing the health system.

But reform it we must and there should be no more beating and ‘bleating’ about the bush on this issue – the sooner the better.

Mr Rudd’s decision to wait until next year before taking any action has disappointed many, and the issue once again provides him with a ripe election platform and a history of mismanagement from the previous Coalition government to play upon. But he should not underestimate Australians and use it as a political football to woo voters. Crying wolf twice will not win him the election.

Dental care for all Australians should be made a priority. It is way overdue to be included in Medicare.
With more than 650,000 people on dental waiting lists the state of this country’s teeth is an international disgrace.

Our region alone has a terrible track record on dental health and long waiting lists.

We cannot continue to allow our kids and elderly to suffer needlessly with outrageous waiting times and lack of dental care.

Our health system will not fix itself and it is being eroded every day. By the time next year comes it is going to take the Government a lot more to make it right. The stakes are high, but these reforms must be implemented.

Originally published as Reform of our health system long overdue

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