
Low-income earners bear unfair burden

YES, it was a very sensible thing for the Australian Fair Pay Commission to not give low-income workers a pay rise of $21 a week yesterday.

YES, it was a very sensible thing for the Australian Fair Pay Commission to not give low-income workers a pay rise of $21 a week yesterday.

But I am sure many workers are scratching their heads wondering why they missed out on a measly $21 a week, when fat cats like politicians and corporate heads are still giving themselves ridiculous pay increases.

The recent increase in the NSW MPs’ meal allowance, to $77 a day, must be galling to wage earners on just $543 a week, before tax.

Most low-income workers are trying to support a family on a take-home pay of about $440 a week.
Once you take out rent and food there is not much left for luxuries like meals out, entertainment or even kids’ toys.

I am struck by the fact the Commission felt low-income earners should take the brunt of this recession, more so than high-income earners.

And I am not sure why the Commission believes it is up to low-income earners, who are already struggling, to lift this country out of an economic downturn they had no hand in creating.

I understand it would have been tough on businesses to have copped an increase of $21 a week for their workers.

But the Federal Government should be taxing high-income earners at a much higher rate to support this country’s economy.

Thank goodness tax rates for low-income earners were cut from July 1, with the average single-income family getting a tax cut and a low-income tax offset worth $675 a year.

But I’d still like to see some of our pollies and high-flyers trying to survive on $440 a week, after tax.

We’d soon see fair pay for a fair day’s work.

Originally published as Low-income earners bear unfair burden

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