
Lismore Lake Pool plans drown at council meeting

PASSIONS run high at the February Council Meeting over the North Lismore Plateau and Lismore Cup Day Holiday.

LAKE POOL: The Lismore Lake Pool was discussed by Council with a group led by Mr Rob insisting they can run the venue at a fraction of the cost indicated in a local government report. Picture: Marc Stapelberg
LAKE POOL: The Lismore Lake Pool was discussed by Council with a group led by Mr Rob insisting they can run the venue at a fraction of the cost indicated in a local government report. Picture: Marc Stapelberg

BLOOD pressure ran high as a lively crowd was in attendance at the February meeting of the Lismore City Council on Tuesday night.

Councillors and residents spoke passionately for and against the refurbishment of the Lismore Lake Pool.

It was one of several topics which saw tempers flare and some councillors resort to the lowest form of wit.

Around 25 members of the public were there to support a variety of causes ranging from compulsory land acquisition to Lismore Lake Pool and the Lismore Cup half holiday.

Cr Bennett said he believed it was important the LLP be recovered and eventually the issue will be discussed at the August meeting

It was the start of an energetic meeting where all councillors were in attendance except for Cr Eddie Lloyd and Cr Neil Marks who were absent for personal reasons.

Ahead of the public access session, Lismore mayor Isaac Smith reminded public speakers they have three minutes

Lismore Lake Pool president Big Rob spoke as president of the reinstated LLP group.

Mr Rob spoke about Lismore Lake Pool Inc and insisted costs would be considerably lower using national and state grants and volunteers than the amount suggested by Council.

He said LLP Inc believes they can reinstate the pool for a fraction of the cost put up by Council.

"We request Lismore City Council do not make any decision before the July meeting so we can make a...realistic proposal," he said.

When Cr Cook asked Mr Rob about the high cost of insurance and maintenance as she said the pool failed every aspect on community safety, she asked Mr Rob to explain

"The pool scored 65 per cent (the other issues which need to be fixed) are all small things which together can be addressed by volunteers, nothing expensive to address these minor issues," he said.

"It's almost a copy of the plans at Nimbin or GSAC just planning and management things which are cheap and easy to address."

He also said demolition cannot commence before July.

Cr Greg Bennett said he gave a commitment after the last election to save the Lake Pool.

He said he felt the $450,000 allocated to demolish the pool was a waste of money.

"Along with some other councillors who gave their assurance to save the Lismore Lake Pool and I'm disappointed they have now changed their mind.".

Cr Benett said they council plan was the "Rolls Royce version of a pool" which the community does not need."

"Tonight I have discussed this with some councillors a second chance to have a look at this and follow through with their commitments they gave the community," he said.

"Why do we need lifeguards at Lismore Lake Pool when we don't have this as it's sister pool at Nimbin?"

Cr Smith asked Mr Rob to take his seat after he rose to whisper in Cr Cook's ear.

"July is when the money is allocated $450,000 for demolition, it be good to use it for something else," Cr Bennett said.

Mr Rob said Council's management quote was "ridiculously high".

"This $100,000 includes a lifeguard, but there's nothing to stop it (the pool) operating three months a year, December to March if its well managed our volunteers can manage it under our insurance," he said.

Lismore Cup Day Holiday

Meanwhile the issue of Lismore Cup Part Day Holiday saw Lismore Turf Club's recovering secretary-manager Scott Jones attend along with chairman Mark Oaten.

The pair were relieved to receive support and the half-day holiday will proceed for 2018.Earlier Mr Oaten said the LTC wanted to reaffirm their application for a half-day holiday.

He said the LTC is concious of our their social responsibility.

"We are a big employer in the area and our community benefits around $3 million.

"We also host lots of community fundraising and the nest is for Scott Jones who suffered burns last year."

Mr Oaten said Lismore Cup Day is a their biggest day of the year.

"The club also distributes over $1.5 million in prize money and fundraising and over the year we employee over 1000 part-time people," he said.

"Ballina Cup changed their cup day holiday and since then lost their viability."

Mr Oaten said the LTC would be able to consider a Saturday meeting in the future but this involved a great deal of discussion with Raving NSW, Council and other organisations.

They had heard an impassioned pleas against by Anna Ludvik on behalf of the Animal Justice Party.

Ms Ludvik said she in her misspent youth had worked as a strapper and was exposed first hand to some of the injuries horses sustain.

"But my main concern is as a mother is with a cup day holiday you have to still pay for it but find alternative care," she said.

"This is normalising gambling, drunken behaviour for youth as a (recent) report showed 41 per cent of year 8 students have gambled in one form 50 per cent see it as a way to make money."

Ms L also said out of every 1000 foals, 300 will have a start in racing and the other 700 will be euthanized.

VPA North Lismore Plateau

A significant matter of interest was the Voluntary Planning Agreements for the North Lismore Plateau but was eventually carried:

1. The draft Voluntary Planning Agreement at Attachment 1 to this report for Biodiversity Certification between Lismore City Council and the Winten Group and relevant landowners be placed on public exhibition for a minimum period of twenty eight (28) days in accordance with the provisions of cl.25D of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2000.

2. The draft Voluntary Planning Agreement at Attachment 2 to this report for Provision of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure between Lismore City Council and the Winten Group and relevant landowners be placed on public exhibition for a minimum period of twenty eight (28) days in accordance with Regulation 2000; and

3. The draft Voluntary Planning Agreements be reported back to Council following public exhibition.

Earlier the meeting heard from Andrew Purtle representing North Lismore Plateau who did not want to allow water to flow through their land to developers who wish to develop 400 lots.

The North Lismore Plateau (NLP) site is approximately 257ha in size and is located 3km north-west of Lismore CBD and is bounded by Dunoon Rd to the east, Nimbin Rd and Booerie Creek Rd to the west and Booerie Creek to the north.

Mr Purtle said he objected Council staff for making misleading statements said he wanted to "set the record straight we are a tight knit group and as the largest land owners we are committed to meeting our costs," he said.

"It is unprofessional for council staff to report on things which are not true and we deserve to have heard our side of the story."

He said he was not in favour of compulsory land acquisition.

On behalf of the Winten Property Group, development manager Jim Punch said "the thing is we have lodged a development application for the development of our site."

"Our second planning agreement is the provision of water and sewerage to the development site and we cannot put the water and sewerage to the site until we have easements to do so.. It came to as a real shock when we lodge our DA, they said they need more time, that stops of the whole development. We have already spent $2 million and we have $10 million to spend on stage one and we are ready to push ahead but we can't if don't have a water supply."

Cr Smith said it's time to sort out the matter which has been ongoing for more than a decade..

"There are 2000 lots and a developer in the meeting tonight who wanted to open up 400 lots," h e said.

"We brought the two together and we are aa vehicle for all parties to work together."

Budget Review

Council then discussed the December 2017 Quarterly Budget Review Statement with almost every councillor standing up and voicing their concerns ranging from ratepayers to farming of cattle on flood-prone land and roads before it was carried.

Lismore Cultural Project

Proposed amendment to DCP Part B Chapter 3 Lismore Cultural Precinct - The controls in the chapter apply to land within which is located the Lismore Library, the Northern Rivers Conservatorium, the Lismore Regional Art Gallery and the Fredericks Car Park.was carried.

Other Matters

However, the Lismore Development Control Plan Chapter 6 Village was carried unanimously.

Investments of December 2017 and January 2018 - Carried.

Approval of Membership to the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Group - Councillor Casson indicated her interest.

Northern Rivers Joint Organisation - Council delay a decision to establishment of a Joint Organisations until March 13 - Carried unanimously.

Cr General Manager's Performance Review Committee was between Cr Adam Guise and Cr Gianpiero Battista with four votes each and Cr Smith cast a deciding vote for Cr Battista.

The issue of Traffic Advisory Committee minutes of 20 December were adopted and the recommendations - including parking, speed surveys and sianage - contained therein be adopted - carried unanimously.

Financial Assistance - Section 356 Report Mayor's Discretionary Fund with a Budget: $3,000 Spent to date:$730

Mayoral Sponsorship of $250.00 for the Dorroughby Environmental Education Centre to be used towards the three-day environmental artist in residence camp for Lismore primary school aged students from small schools to be held at the Dorroughby Environmental Education Centre. - $250.00 and Miscellaneous Donation to the Lismore Girl Guides for services given at the 2018 Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony, $100 - Carried.

Read related topics:Lismore City Council

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