
Level three water restrictions in force for Casino

DRY conditions, high consumption of water and drought conditions are continuing to impact the flow of the Richmond River, Casino's main source of water.

TURN TAPS OFF TIGHT: Every drop really does count. Picture: Jessica McGrath
TURN TAPS OFF TIGHT: Every drop really does count. Picture: Jessica McGrath

EVERY drop counts and Richmond Valley Council have made a prudent decision to jump from level one to level three water restrictions from Monday, September 16 in Casino only.

Council's general manager Vaughan Macdonald said there are no water restrictions on the Mid Richmond towns of Coraki, Woodburn, Evans Head, Broadwater and Riley's Hill.

"Rous County Council supplies the Mid Richmond and has advised via its website that level one water restrictions will be introduced when the water level in Rocky Creek Dam falls below 60 percent," Mr Macdonald said.

"The dam currently sits at 92 per cent. Valley Council will this week impose level three water restrictions on Casino residents and businesses who receive a town water supply. "

Mr Macdonald said it was vital Council managed its water source responsibly, and by considering all current and historical data, making the early call on level three restrictions allowed Council to continue to provide a quality and reliable water supply to its consumers.

He said due to the ongoing dry conditions, the consumption of water was a little higher in the community than was originally predicted, and the drought conditions were continuing to impact the flow of the Richmond River - Casino's main source of water.

"These restrictions place a number of limitations on watering times for residents and businesses and we encourage all water users to be as careful as possible about observing these rules," Mr Macdonald said.

Level three water restrictions include:


No irrigation permitted.

Use of buckets any time, or hand-held hoses for a maximum of 10 minutes every second day, between 4pm and 9am.

Households with an even street number can only water on even numbered calendar days, and households with an odd street number can only water on odd calendar days.


Public gardens - no irrigation permitted

Sports fields - sprinklers or hand-held hoses permitted for 15 minutes per day between 5am and 7am.

Motor vehicle dealers, car detailing/repairs - buckets permitted, efficient high-pressure, low-flow rate cleaners with trigger control permitted every second day between 6am and 8am. Water use must be logged.

New turf, lawns and gardens - watering in permitted for 30 minutes only on day of establishment, then 15 minutes every second day between 4pm and 9am up to 7 days after the date of establishment.


There are no water usage restrictions on industrial businesses such as NCMC, Norco, Holcim and others who require water as part of their essential business activities. Nor are there any restrictions on stock watering.

A detailed list of the level three water restrictions is accessible on Council's website or by calling 6660 0300.


10 minutes of hosing uses around 200 litres of water.

Flush toilets typically use 50,000 litres of water per household per year.

A continuously dripping tap wastes 600 litres per day.

A 10-minute shower uses 200 litres.

Every drop counts.

Industries and agriculture exempt from Level three water restrictions. Picture: Contributed
Industries and agriculture exempt from Level three water restrictions. Picture: Contributed

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