
Calls for Oakes Oval grandstand to be named after cricketing legend John McMahon

Prominent North Coast sporting identities with a host of sporting organisations are backing calls for Oakes Oval grandstand to be named after the late sporting icon John McMahon.

Prominent North Coast sporting identities and bodies are backing a community push for the renaming of Oakes Oval grandstand in honour of local cricketing legend, the late John McMahon.
Prominent North Coast sporting identities and bodies are backing a community push for the renaming of Oakes Oval grandstand in honour of local cricketing legend, the late John McMahon.

Prominent North Coast sporting authorities are backing a community push to have the main grandstand in the regions top sporting precinct named after the late “Mr Cricket” John McMahon.

A man that was instrumental to the game on the North Coast, who drew crowds with his left-hand Shane Warne style spin and played in local district clubs just to help keep them afloat, warrants remembrance according to local cricketers.

John McMahon OAM circa 1990s when he was playing for Wardell Cricket Club. Picture: Paul Attewell
John McMahon OAM circa 1990s when he was playing for Wardell Cricket Club. Picture: Paul Attewell

Submissions to Lismore council from the Far North Coast Baseball Association and Football Far North Coast, among others, are urging the council to rename the grandstand while refurbishing works near completion.

“I first played under John’s leadership as a 15-year-old and played my last season with him some 23 years later,” Bill O’Sullavin said.

Mr O’Sullivan said the council should consider renaming the main stand at Oakes Oval to the “John McMahon” stand or as a second priority, the new building connecting to Crozier Oval.

Many people across the region believe recognition of Mr McMahon’s contribution’s to cricket locally was “long overdue”.

Back: Greg Youngberry, Reg Baxter, Harold Crozier, Kevin Kirkland, Jack McLean, John Pratt, Stan Goulding, Front: Geoff Riley, Dave Weir, Len Henley, Frank Ryan, John McMahon, Barry Pratt.
Back: Greg Youngberry, Reg Baxter, Harold Crozier, Kevin Kirkland, Jack McLean, John Pratt, Stan Goulding, Front: Geoff Riley, Dave Weir, Len Henley, Frank Ryan, John McMahon, Barry Pratt.

Son, Terry McMahon said it would be the “proudest moment”.

He said everyone has a reason for having a ground or stand named after them, from government bodies to radio sports announcers.

He said although biased, if anyone deserves this honour it was his dad.

“For people from different sporting bodies to support it in that manner, it speaks for itself,” he said.

Daughter, Patricia Golledge said her father started the junior cricket carnival that was held in January every year.

“Many cricketers have gone on like David Warner and Adam Gilchrist from this carnival that Dad put a lot of hard work into starting,” she said.

John McMahon OAM circa 1990s when he was playing for Wardell Cricket Club. Picture: Paul Attewell
John McMahon OAM circa 1990s when he was playing for Wardell Cricket Club. Picture: Paul Attewell

Steve Mackney from Football Far North Coast said what his mum, Marie Mackney, did for netball was what John McMahon did for cricket.

“Too often we gloss over the efforts of the rare and generous individuals when they are alive to receive thanks and regrettably we can’t acknowledge John directly,” Mr Mackney said.

He said for Lismore council to name a grandstand in Mr McMahon’s honour would be an “outstanding tribute” that would reflect the pride of the Lismore community.

Mr O’Sullivan said Lismore council had a “process” which needed community consultation among other issues.

He said the response to Mr McMahon’s death was “gobsmacking”.

“I’ve had calls from Port Phillip Bay, Phillip Island in Victoria, from Perth,” he said.

“These are people who’ve been involved with John through his cricketing administration who’ve found out we specifically want John’s name on the grandstand at Oakes Oval that surrounds the Gordon Pavilion.

“All of these organisations have contacted me wanting to back us and all I can suggest at the moment is to get onto any media outlet you can and let them know you support what we’re doing.”

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