
Aviation educator excited about new flight school in Lismore

TAFE has already announced plans to offer diploma courses through the airport, but that’s just the start of what’s to come.

FLYING ACADEMY: Airways Aviation General Manager, Helena Tierney (right) with Senior Flight Instructor Matthew Munns at Lismore Regional Airport where they will hold classes in partnership with TAFE NSW. Photo: Alison Paterson
FLYING ACADEMY: Airways Aviation General Manager, Helena Tierney (right) with Senior Flight Instructor Matthew Munns at Lismore Regional Airport where they will hold classes in partnership with TAFE NSW. Photo: Alison Paterson

Plans for Lismore Regional Airport to be an aviation studies hub are on track according to TAFE NSW course partner, Airways Aviation Australia.

At Lismore Regional Airport this week, Airways Aviation Australia general manager, Helena Tierney, said the company was very excited to be holding classes in the region.

Ms Tierney, 37, said once the partnership with TAFE NSW was announced last month, inquiries about enrolling in the Diploma of Aviation, which will be operating out of Lismore, had been very strong.

Ms Tierney said she believed Lismore offered the perfect balance of being a regional city with good infrastructure in place and council willing to work to a win-win solution.

“This is very exciting as it opens up a domestic pathway for us,” she said.

“Prior to this we were predominantly international and we are excited about working here as it will be very appealing for local and regional students.”

Ms Tierney said Lismore City Council had been very welcoming regarding the new course.

“Initially we really wanted to push forward and develop an education aviation hub,” she said.

“Not just with pilot training but also for cabin crew, maintenance, engineering and avionics.

“We have discussed with council about expanding our footprint up here at the terminal and in the general aviation section so we are looking at a number of options.

“At the moment we have a small footprint with a classroom here which is enough to start off with and we are looking to expand to other areas that are under-utilised such as the luggage area now Rex are not operating here.

FLYING HIGH: Airways Aviation Australia General Manager, Helena Tierney, said she is very excited about the opportunities for the company which will base its aviation training in partnership with TAFE NSW at two locations including Lismore Regional Airport. Photo: Alison Paterson
FLYING HIGH: Airways Aviation Australia General Manager, Helena Tierney, said she is very excited about the opportunities for the company which will base its aviation training in partnership with TAFE NSW at two locations including Lismore Regional Airport. Photo: Alison Paterson

With the effects of the pandemic still in play, Ms Tierney said they currently had a number of students patiently waiting offshore to be allowed to travel to Australia to undertake their aviation training.

“In 2019 into early 2020 we trained around 60 pilots out our Sunshine Coast campus and we will looking at a minimum of 60 or 70 once Lismore gets going,” she said.

“At Lismore, our Senior Flying Instructor will be Matthew Munns and we will be recruiting locally for more flight instructors, scheduling and administrative positions.

“Anyone who is interested can go the Airways Aviation Australia website and see our career opportunities.”

Ms Tierney said the company was also delighted with the number of inquiries from women looking to become commercial pilots.

“Recently we did a Gold Coast careers festival and the number of women and young females who inquired was quite overwhelming,” she said.

Mr Munns, 27, said students will be able to learn in state-of-the-art flight training fixed wing aircraft including a Diamond DA42.

“We have 13 fixed wing aircraft in a range of sizes,” he said.

More information here.

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