
A Northern NSW man has been jailed for the aggravated sexual assault of his cognitively impaired younger sister

A man has been sentenced to prison time for the aggravated sexual assault of his cognitively impaired younger sister.

A Northern NSW man has been jailed for the aggravated sexual assault and inflicting actual bodily harm to his cognitively impaired younger sister. ​
A Northern NSW man has been jailed for the aggravated sexual assault and inflicting actual bodily harm to his cognitively impaired younger sister. ​

A Northern NSW man who was found by a jury to have committed aggravated sexual assault against his cognitively impaired, younger sister has been sentenced to more than seven years behind bars.

Starke (a pseudonym) because the accused cannot be legally named – appeared sullen in prison greens before Judge Jonathan Priestley in Lismore District Court last month.

He had been found guilty by jury on October 25, 2022 after pleading not guilty to aggravated sexual assault- inflict ABH on victim (DV) and stalk/intimidate intend fear physical harm (domestic).

Court documents reveal on February 2, 2018 and March 6, 2021 Starke committed the offending at a remote rural property in the Northern NSW.

The court heard Starke stayed behind at the property alone with his sister, who was 18 at the time, who said she was sick while the rest of the family drove into town.

Starke came inside the house, closed and locked the door, went into several rooms of the house switching the lights off and then switched off the main power to the house.

The victim was watching SpongeBob SquarePants in the loungeroom, became frightened and tried to escape – but tripped over.

Starke was jailed for the violent rape. Generic image.
Starke was jailed for the violent rape. Generic image.

Starke grabbed the victim, pulling her hair and shirt and threw her to the ground, where she hit the back of her head becoming dizzy, court documents state.

Starke laughed when he ripped her new necklace and shirt before ripping her shorts.

He grew angry when she resisted and – while she tried to call for help – Starke raped her.

He then punched the victim hard in her nose causing it to bleed

Starke also threatened to slice the victims throat during the assault.

The victim burnt all the clothes she had been wearing in a drum in the backyard to avoid the reminder of what happened.

Court documents reveal prior to the assault, the victim had been a virgin.

The following day she reported bleeding from her genitals and soreness. She also had a lump on her head from the fall.

After the incident, the court heard Starke repeatedly threatened her he would get bikie gangs to rape and murder her, and would dump her body in the dam on their father’s property.

Scared her brother would repeat his conduct, she disclosed the assault to her father just under three years later.

He then evicted Starke from his property telling him: “You’re not my son and she’s not your sister”.

Starke left the property calling his entire family “dog c*nts”.

The court heard the man then returned to the property, where he did a burnout in his car near the victim. Starke then told his sister that his girlfriend’s family members would “come to f**k her up”.

“I find a real maliciousness to this offending by a brother upon a sister in the way the offence was carried out,” Judge Priestley said.

Defence for Starke argued he suffered physical and emotional abuse from his father and had started using cannabis at a young age before trying alcohol, MDMA, cocaine and heroin.

“He has shown no remorse, continuing to deny the offending, and has shown very little if any empathy or sympathy towards the victim,” Judge Priestley said.

Starke was convicted and sentenced to a non-parole period of four years and nine months.

Starke will be first eligible for parole on 14 April 2026.

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