Struggling Aussies need family help just to find a place to live
Renters are resorting to desperate measures in order to get a leg up in an increasingly tight rental market, new research reveals.
Renters are resorting to desperate measures in order to get a leg up in an increasingly tight rental market, new research reveals.
A small group of VIPs have got first dibs at securing digs in a jaw-dropping northern Coffs Coast development which is decimating sales records.
Real estate guru John McGrath believes a spike in buyers will drive a Sydney property recovery, after data revealed a second straight month of price growth.
Jim Carrey is saying goodbye to Los Angeles, putting his longtime home of more than three decades up for sale. See inside.
A change of government, cooling home prices and improved scheme thresholds means first-home buyers will have more opportunities in the new financial year.
With housing affordability front and centre of the Australian consciousness, property promises have been a hot topic in the lead up to the Federal election. Here are what the major parties say they’ll do.
ANALYSIS: Both Liberal and Labor parties’ are just reheating policies that have seen house prices skyrocket over the past 20 years, while failing to fix one major lingering issue.
‘Big Bang Theory’ and ‘Flight Attendant’ star Kaley Cuoco has found herself a new multimillion-dollar abode in California, months after her divorce from Karl Cook.
‘Legally Blonde’ star Reese Witherspoon has sold her Los Angeles estate for nearly $8 million more than what she bought it less than two years ago.
Rapper Drake is expanding his property portfolio after snapping up an LA mansion belonging to British musician Robbie Williams. And the Brit pop icon wasted little time finding a new place too.
A ‘waterfront’ home is up for grabs for just $460,000, complete with an outdoor dunny, its own deserted island — and zero neighbours anywhere in sight.
Contestants on the new season of The Block have barely been able to pick up the tools before production hit a road block. Here’s why.
This home may be in the suburbs, but it’s decorated in homage to a very famous fictional New York apartment — and could be yours for a bargain.
The third major flood in five years is still not enough of a wake-up call to some Lismore residents who say they are committed to rebuilding near flood plains. Here’s why.
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