Coffs HarbourSick of slogging it in the big smoke? From coastal gems offering a little extra to landmark buildings – Here’s the best real estate investment opportunities in NSW’s most happening tourist strip.
Coffs HarbourA regional council has run afoul of an adored “chook cafe” after banning free ranging chickens from accessing dining areas. Here is what happened.
Coffs HarbourNorth Coast cycling enthusiasts keen for the challenge have tackled a 300km-plus stretch in just five days – raising funds to keep the Westpac Life Saver Helicopter in the air. See the photos
PropertyFor a family who spends so much time in the water, you would think the Eatons would have a house on the sand. But the reality is far better for the active young family.
ExclusiveCoffs HarbourPlans have been lodged for a new housing estate with more than 180 new homes on the booming Coffs Coast. It’s set to include striking landscaping and even a pickle ball court. Take a look.
PicturesCoffs HarbourA young mum took matters into her own hands when she realised a “knight in shining armour” wasn’t coming to save Coffs Harbour’s troubled Dolphin Marine Conservation Park. Now, the park is set to expand.
AnalysisCoffs HarbourCity of Coffs Harbour has pitched money and a land swap with the state in a bid to defuse a stand-off over the prized Jetty Foreshores green space – but the local MP has slammed the deal. See what’s on the table.
BusinessThe famed building company is turning funds manager as it searches for the next leg of growth amid tough times for traditional offices and malls.
Coffs HarbourA 60-year-old fibro home will be bulldozed to make way for five “high quality” modern townhouses in a slated development for downtown Coffs Harbour. See what’s planned.
Coffs HarbourCoffs Harbour is at the pinch-point of a state affordable housing shortage, prompting the fast-growing seaside city to think outside the box to help people into the market.