
Domestic violence survivor speaks out after new women’s refuge announced for Coffs Harbour

A Coffs Harbour DV survivor has urged victims to seek help after the horrific treatment she endured, which she fears has left her with lifelong scars.

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A Coffs Harbour domestic violence victim has shared her story of survival after she endured years of abuse.

The woman said those who suffer violence at the hands of their partners are often afraid to speak out – and she urged them to reach out for help.

It follows the NSW government’s announcement of a new women’s refuge for Coffs Harbour.

Referred to as “JC”, the woman welcomed more assistance in the community.

“I went through four years of trauma and I know other women have had to deal with a lot more,” she said.

“It’s easier said than done (to speak up). I couldn’t have done it alone.”

JC said she believes domestic abuse often appears later in relationships.

“Love can make you blind,” she said.

The woman spent four years living in fear.
The woman spent four years living in fear.

JC said the violence in her relationship began verbally and mentally, through manipulation and deceit, before it became physical.

She said the abuse she suffered would “scar” her “for life”, but chose not to go into detail.

JC said she would like to see education about domestic violence and its impacts from childhood to increase awareness.

“Drugs and alcohol in homes and with kids around definitely doesn’t help,” she said.

According to the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR), domestic violence related assaults have been up 6.2 per cent each year in Coffs Harbour and Grafton since 2018.

The number of cases in Coffs and Grafton remain higher than other parts of NSW.

JC said she believes many instances of domestic violence aren’t reported to police due to fear.

The government’s newly announced refuge aims to provide a private and independent space for survivors to feel safe and secure, when it eventually opens.

The centre has been flagged as one of 39 new women’s refuges set up across the state.

The government announced $484 million last year to establish new refuges.

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said the Coffs refuge would also be a safe space for children.

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh announcing a new refuge for domestic violence victims.
Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh announcing a new refuge for domestic violence victims.

“I don’t want a single person in our local community to be harmed by domestic and family violence, but until we can remove this scourge from our society, it is crucial we have supports in place for victims,” he said.

Mr Singh was pleased to see the government making the largest investment in domestic violence support in NSW history and said he hoped for long-term infrastructure to be built.

The new refuge will include access to legal services, counselling and education.

For brave survivors like JC, the safe space may provide a chance to live a life without fear.

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