
You don't need a bloke to buy you flowers: Opinion

I believe giving yourself that precious ‘you time’ you deserve will make you a better mum, a better wife, daughter, son, brother, sister or friend.

SELF LOVE: We don’t really need a bloke to buy us flowers.  . Picture: nicky.norman
SELF LOVE: We don’t really need a bloke to buy us flowers. . Picture: nicky.norman

I'VE never really been one to go for the type of guy that showers me with flowers every week.

Each to their own, but for me creating memories or going on adventures together is far more important than being given flowers or materialistic stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying getting flowers isn't beautiful once in a while - but we don't really need a bloke to buy them for us. 

I don't buy them every week - but I bought my latest bunch this week to brighten up the kitchen in our new home and to replace a dying bunch.

I believe giving a gift like this to yourself promotes self-love.

This is something that is often missing from our busy lives and something I believe is just as important as making a living.  

No matter how busy we are or how many children we may have, we've got to live with ourselves for the rest of our lives - so it is crucial to make the time to show love to yourself each and every day.

I'm not saying go out and buy a fresh bunch of flowers every day.

It could simply be to enjoy your favourite cup of tea in peace and quiet before the kids wake up of an early morning, or reading ten pages of a positive book that will motivate and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

It might be treating yourself to a massage after a long week or simply enjoying a glass of red wine.

You could try out meditation for five to ten minutes each day or do that yoga class you've been talking about.

It can be something as simple as just telling yourself you are beautiful and you're doing a great job at life when you look at yourself in the mirror of a morning.

Whatever it is - just do something for yourself for a change. You will be glad you did.

And while I'm not a mum yet, even when I am one, I will still hold the strong belief that it is not selfish to put yourself first, even if it is for just 10 minutes a day, because how can you really be there for your children if you can't back yourself?

I believe giving yourself that precious 'you time' you deserve will make you a better mum, a better wife, daughter, son, brother, sister or friend.

And if you haven't ever bought yourself a bunch of flowers I suggest you give it a go, it might brighten up your day. 

I would love to hear your thoughts, join the conversation and have your say below. 

Originally published as You don't need a bloke to buy you flowers: Opinion

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