Vet’s heartbreaking rescue mission for flooded-in livestock
“It’s devastating to see so many dead animals”. A team of Coffs Harbour vets have boarded helicopters to find stranded livestock and save them from flood water.
“It’s devastating to see so many dead animals”. A team of Coffs Harbour vets have boarded helicopters to find stranded livestock and save them from flood water.
A man has been carried out of a ditch after he allegedly led police on a dangerous car chase. See how the pursuit unfolded.
Insurance Council of Australia representatives say they are on their way to the Northern Rivers to see damage first hand and help get the claims process started.
Authorities are scrambling to dump loads of dirt and gravel to contain a levee wall at risk of failure, which would ‘cause large scale inundation’ throughout a NSW township if it fails.
As floodwater recedes in some areas, Clarence residents have told of a new risk amid the clean-up as the huge cost of the disaster becomes clear.
“It’s very confusing to know what to do or where to start.” A South Grafton family has returned to an overwhelming clean-up after fleeing rising flood water at their farm.
Members of the Sikh community drove 34 hours from Melbourne to provide essential food, water and assistance to devastated members in the Lismore community.
“I can’t see us reopening,” PJs Country Fruit & Veg owners said after rapids tore through their storefront, leaving them with nothing. This comes after being heavily affected by the 2017 Lismore floods.
Mullumbimby residents have described terrifying landslides, houses and roads being destroyed as they scramble to rescue trapped locals with no authorities in sight. ‘It was like a bomb had gone off in the hills’. See flood crisis latest
While most of the Northern Rivers catchments are starting to fall as authorities search for fatalities, a fresh threat of more rain could see many rivers rise once again. FREE UPDATES
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